Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Thursday, November 30, 2023

დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.

დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.
GE. ფილმი მეოცე საუკუნის 30-იანი წლების ერთი სოხუმური ოჯახის ისტორიას მოგვითხრობს. ფილმის მთავარი გმირია უმამოდ დარჩენილი ბიჭუნა.
EN. Three-part film based on the stories of Fazil Iskander depicts the life of an Abkhaz family in the 1930s. Despite all obstacles and due to the selfless perseverance of his mother, a fatherless child is brought up as the decent young man.
Director: ლეილა გორდელაძე / Leila Gordeladze.
Cast: Tamaz Bokeria, Vera Ivleva, Darejan Jojua, Gia Abesalashvili, Tamar Mamulashvili, Andrei Pimenidi, Vladimer Nikonovi, ხათუნა მჭედლიძე, ია ფარულავა, ნოდარ მასხულია, ვლადიმერ ანტონიკი, ვალენტინა ტელეჩკინა.
USSR, Gruziya-film, 1989.
Language: Russian.
Download დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.
დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.
დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.

დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.
დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a Holiday. 1989. 3 Episodes.

Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
A higher quality video version of this film has been found. However, I continue to look for this film in better quality, if you have any suggestions, write to me, I’m ready to buy.
Ángeles y Querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi, cinematographer of such visual masterpieces as El Topo and The Holy Mountain. This surreal Mexican fantasy shows influences of Alejandro Jodorowsky as you would expect, and also of the style of Kenneth Anger, and the darker side of Czech “fairy tale” cinema. Visuals are rich and original, the music less so but still a pleasure. Overall it’s rather mellower than the typical “head trip” film of the early ‘seventies which seemed to revel in causing shock and offence. I found it an absolute delight.
The prelude is set in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve played by the director’s infant children. It’s gender-reversed with Eve arriving first, which is probably significant. After ten minutes, just as you might be starting to seriously question what you have downloaded, we move on to the main story, introduced by a biblical quotation: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them”.
We find ourselves in a castle, or perhaps a convent judging by the number of nuns around. A gathering of the ruling family appears to be taking place. An eclectic mix of costumes suggests no particular time and place. We meet our young hero Cristian (Jorge Humberto Robles), a fine young fellow, clean, upstanding, dare I say it even virginal.
Actually it’s safest if I don’t try to set out the plot, except to say that we seem to have an allegory of a Pilgrim, or Grail Knight, who one day leaves the convent garden and meets, falls in love with, and pursues to the ends of the Earth the beautiful Angela (Helena Rojo). So are the young couple to live happily ever after? Or will our hero be condemned to an eternity of shirt-ripping Byronic frustration?
Unfortunately the picture quality is dire as you can see. I’m almost certain it’s not supposed to be that tint. And the border jumps around in a distracting way. Nevertheless this is still a must for lovers of fantasy cinema.
Director: Rafael Corkidi.
Cast: Roberto Canedo, Jorge Humberto Robles, Helena Rojo, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Lea Corkidi, Pablo Corkidi , Cecilia Pezet, David Silva, Carlos Guisa Hohenstein, Arturo Fernández, Vicente Lara, Jaime Stolar.
Mexico, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.


Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.

Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.

DE. Ein als idyllischer Ausflug geplanter Trip in die Berge wird für eine Familie zum Albtraum. Melanie, acht Jahre alt, hört eine unheimliche Kinderstimme und hat Visionen. Die Einwohner des Dorfs legen ein mysteriöses Verhalten an den Tag. Als die Familie in finsterer Nacht auch noch vom Weg abkommt, entdeckt das Mädchen eine Leiche. Es ist ein Schock für alle, als man feststellt, dass Melanie und das tote Mädchen absolut identisch aussehen. Ist alles ein Jahrhunderte alter Fluch?
EN. When a young family, father, mother and their daughter, is on a trip in the mountains, they loose orientation and have to stay there for the night. The daughter finds a dead young girl who does exactly look like herself. When they check for mountain rescue service they suddenly find themselves deeply involved in an local myth about a prophecy which seems to be fulfilling now. The mountains are bearing an old curse.
Director: Ralf Huettner.
Cast: Dominic Raacke, Barbara May, Romina Nowack, Ortrud Beginnen, Eva Ordonez, Gerd Lohmeyer, Barbara Valentin, Eva Schmidt-Klingenberg.
Austria, West Germany, 1988.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988.

Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.
Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.

Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.
Limbo is a Norwegian drama film, written and directed by Maria Sødahl.
The movie takes place in the 1970s and depicts a so-called expatriate-group at Trinidad, associated with the oil industry.
1973. After moving with her kids from Norway to Trinidad, where her husband, Jo, i s stationed as an oil engineer, Sonia discovers two things. That the husband has been having an affair for a long time, and that the change from Norway to a tropical Caribbean island is making big changes in her every day life. Her acquaintances are superficial and preliminary, before they move back home again. At first she tried to cope and keep up the appearances, but with a faltering marriage and no one to talk to she goes into a limbo.
Director: Maria Sødahl.
Cast: Line Verndal, Henrik Rafaelsen, Lena Endre, Bryan Brown, Iben Luel Hersough, Fredrik M. Frafjord, Arnold Goindhan, Margareth A.E. Julien, Michael Cherrie, Garrett Schenck, Catherine Emmanuel, Patti-Anne Ali.
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, 2010.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Limbo. 2010:
2 parts archive:

Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.
Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.



Friday, November 24, 2023

Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.

Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.
CZ. Z pamětí pražského uličníka aneb co v dějepise nebylo. Píší se padesátá léta a v Praze na Letné vyrůstá obří Stalinův pomník. Desetiletý Honzík Domnosil se stěhuje z maloměsta do Prahy ke své mamince. Je to pěkný rošťák, už během prvních několika dní stačí rozbít bidet v novém bytě, pokousat ředitele školy a zničit žákovskou knížku. Ovšem doba se na jeho dětské duši značně podepíše. Rozvedená maminka upřímně věří v dobro komunismu, na rozdíl od jejího skeptického přítele, „reakcionáře“ Františka. Honzíkovi nejlepší kamarádi navíc navštěvují hodiny náboženství, otce jednoho z nich komunisté nedávno popravili. Zmatený chlapec, střídavě ovlivňovaný katechismem a učením velikánů světového proletariátu, se snaží svá uličnictví zachraňovat modlením, ale marně. Snad to bude tím, že jednou prosí Boha, podruhé zase V. I. Lenina...
EN. In the fifites the 10 year old boy Honza lives with his single mother in Prague. The mother is a dedicated communist in the beginning but she changes her mind when a show trial is held. She speaks about her dissatisfaction with the government and is immediately arrested. Honza is given to another family.
Director: Jan Schmidt.
Cast: Jan Morávek, Martin Morávek, Jana Špaňůrová, Oldřich Navrátil, Alena Kreuzmannová, Karolína Soukupová, Jana Švandová, Bohumil Vávra, Marek Vašut, Leoš Suchařípa, Václav Kotva, Michal Pavlata, Hana Frejková, Martin Faltýn, Aleš Spurný, Lucie Svobodová, Pavel Vondruška, Filip Švarc, David Novotný, Pavel Taussig, Josef Vondráček, Zdeněk Dušek, Jana Marková, Jan Hraběta, Vladimír Hrabánek, Stanislav Zindulka, Jaroslav Tomsa, Daniela Vacková, Jana Šedová, Olga Michálková, Lena Birková, Milan Mach, Vítězslav Bouchner, Zdeňka Balounová.
Czechoslovakia, 1990.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990.
Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.
Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.



Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.
DK. Politimanden Simon (Kim Bodnia) har efter en skilsmisse mistet forældremyndigheden over sin 6-årige søn Louie (Villads Milthers Fritsche). I desperation kidnapper Simon sønnen og tager ham med til Møn, hvor de skjuler sig i et tomt sommerhus. Simon ønsker bare at have en sidste ferie alene med sin søn, men ugen fremkalder et mareridt fra hans egen barndom, som bringer dystre minder frem hos Simon, og snart truer fortidens spøgelser i bogstaveligste forstand med at tage magten fra ham. Tilmed får de ufrivilligt selskab af en ung kvinde (Stine Fischer Christensen) og intet går længere som planlagt.
EN. A divorced policeman loses custody of his young son, only to kidnap his boy and retreat to a remote cottage, where his plan soon turns into a nightmare.
Director: Anders Morgenthaler.
Cast: Kim Bodnia, Villads Milthers Fritsche, Stine Fischer Christensen, Peter Stormare, Lucas Munk Billing, Mikkel Emil Böye, Morten Christensen, Laura Drasbæk, Søren Hauch-Fausbøll, Trine Panum Kjeldsen, Kim Hjort Jeppesen.
Denmark, 2007.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Danish, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Ekko / Echo. 2007.
Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

SE. Kid Svensk är en svensk-finländsk dramafilm från 2007 i regi av Nanna Huolman med Mia Saarinen i huvudrollen.
Året är 1984. Tolvåriga Kirsi bor i Göteborg med sin finskspråkiga mamma. Hennes pappa har nyligen omkommit i en drunkningsolycka. Kirsi blir retad av sina klasskamrater och skäms över sin finska bakgrund. Hon kallar sig därför Kid. När hennes mamma beslutar att de ska tillbringa sommaren i Finland blir Kid ursinnig. Men Kid vinner pris i en uppsatstävling och det ger henne lite tröst i tillvaron.
EN. The year is 1984. It's summer, and the rebellious 12-year-old girl Kid wants to stay in Gothenburg, but her mother has other plans. Kid discovers that summer vacation in Finland isn't as bad as first feared. In a few hot weeks she discovers her dawning sexuality, and experience her first crush.
Director: Nanna Huolman.
Cast: Mia Saarinen, Milka Ahlroth, Jim Rautiainen, Mari Rantasila, Agnes Sörensen, Kalle Ekdahl, Jonna Ekdahl, Ralph Carlsson, Mats Blomgren, Linnea Cart-Lamy, Malin Myrehag, Claudia Takkinen Salonen, Morgan Alling.
Finland, Sweden, 2007.
Language: Finnish, Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. 

Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.
Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!
Today we are pleased to present to your attention the largest collection of short films number one hundred twenty. There are 22 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1946 to 2023. This time we will not publish either the synoasis or the authors of these films because this is a very long and complicated matter, only the names and year of production. We are sure that you will like this collection.
Enjoy watching.
1. Millor la llengua. 2023. FULL-HD.
2. Matapang. 2023. HD.
3. A Menina e o Mar. 2023. FULL-HD.
4. Allas. 2023. FULL-HD.
5. Gucia. 1985.
6. Från lillstuga till storföretag. 1948.
7. När vi sitta i vår bänk… 1946.
8. Hay Algo en la Oscuridad / Something in the Darkness. 2017. 2K.
9. Le Loup et la Chatte. 2023. HD
10. Ylur. 2023. FULL-HD.
11. La Verrue / Spell on You. 2021. FULL-HD.
12. Dramonasc. 2018. HD.
13. L'imprudence. 2007. HD.
14. Sound Off. 2021. FULL-HD.
15. Ezequiel y la galga María. 2014. FULL-HD.
16. Bettkantengeschichten. Ep. 18. Im kalten Winter nach dem Krieg. 1985.
17. Bettkantengeschichten. Ep. 12. Nicole - oder die Zeit heilt. 1985.
18. Is It the Design on the Wrapper? 1997. HD.
19. Niveo. 2017. FULL-HD.
20. The Summer of Snakes. 2020. FULL-HD.
21. Les petits oiseaux. 2001.
22. Era ieri. 2016. HD.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 120:
2 parts archive:

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!
Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!
Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!
Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

FR. Dijon 1954. Une famille bourgeoise parmi d'autres. Le pere est gynecologue et particulierement absorbe par son travail. La mere est gaie et legere, les trois fils sans histoires. Laurent le plus jeune est particulierement intelligent et souffre de son statut d'adolescent. Atteint d'un souffle au coeur il part en cure avec sa mere. Un tendre marivaudage s'instaure entre eux qui aboutira a l'inceste.
EN. This is a jolly coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy named Laurent Chevalier who is growing up in bourgeois surroundings in Dijon, France. This is France in the mid-1950s rather than America in the 1990s. Thus, Laurent is unharmed by events which would irreparably shatter the self-esteem of a modern American adolescent: he gets drunk, he smokes, he has sex, he is smothered by his mother, he is ignored by his father, a priest makes a pass at him, he gets rheumatoid fever, etc. There's enough scandalous behavior in this film to make 100 made-for-TV movies, and yet this is a very happy and oddly innocent tale.
Director: Louis Malle.
Cast: Lea Massari, Benoît Ferreux, Daniel Gélin, Michael Lonsdale, Ave Ninchi, Gila von Weitershausen, Fabien Ferreux, Marc Winocourt, Micheline Bona, Henri Poirier.
France, Italy, West Germany, 1971.
Language: French, Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971:
2 parts archive:

Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.
Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.
Kam doskáče ranní ptáče je československý film z roku 1987 režírovaný Drahomírou Reňákovou-Královou.
 Trochu bláznivá, trochu fantastická komedie pro děti: Působením blesku a dalších záhadných okolností se nadaný žák šesté třídy začne objevovat v dalších mutacích, které se od sebe charakterově liší...
Director: Drahomíra Reňáková-Králová.
Cast: Pavel Diviš, Luboš Diviš, Lenka Termerová, Jana Smrčková, Dana Homolová, Blažena Holišová, Josef Somr, Miloslav Šimek, Jiří Ornest, Ladislav Županič, Marek Eben, Roman Bednář, Dana Hlaváčová, Jan Vávra, Miroslav Laňka, Helena Lehká-Rejšková, Renata Mašková, Jiří Petr, Vladimír Klapka, Vlastimila Vlková, Dáša Deylová, Miroslav Lochman.
Czechoslovakia, Barrandov, 1987.
Language: Russian (Czech).
1480x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.
Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FULL-HD.

Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FHD.
«Kære Gud giv mig et bevis på at du ikke eksisterer...»
DK. 1958 på et nonnekloster. Johannes mor kan ikke have hende, så hun kommer på kloster for at få uddannelse og opdragelse indtil moren er klar igen. Det bliver et helt nyt liv for Johanne, som ikke er opdraget katolsk, selv om hun kommer fra en katolsk familie. Nonnerne udøver censur og livet i klostret er hårdt for Johanne. Hun forsøger at flygte. Johanne beslutter sig for at tilegne sig den katolske tro og nonnerne bliver glade. Marianne terroriserer de andre piger, mens Johanne forsøger at holde sig udenfor. Johannes liv ændrer sig og hun får det bedre i klostret. Marianne fortæller Johanne at hun er gravid. Imens kæmper Johanne for ikke at blive så hellig som søster Ingrid. Johanne får at vide at hun skal hjem.
EN. The young girl Johannes is left by her mother at a solemn convent school. The school is a strange world to her, and when she feels unable to comply with the demands of faith she faces a difficult decision.
Director: Cæcilia Holbek Trier.
Cast: Amalie Dollerup, Kirsten Rolffes, Bodil Jørgensen, Lisbet Dahl, Cecilia Zwick-Nash, Nastja Arcel, Cecilia Eliasson, John Hahn-Petersen, Helle Fagralid, Luise Jacobsen, Bolette Engstrøm Bjerre, Christina Merwald, Kurt Ravn, Kirsten Schjødt.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997.
Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FHD.
Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FHD.


Friday, November 17, 2023

Smil mand! 1972.

Smil mand! 1972.
DK. Om kostskoledrenge i den tidlige pubertet. Hovedpersonen Ole er kommet på kostskole, efter at hans mor er blevet alene. Han finder snart ud af, at de andre drenge også har deres problemer.
EN. Teenage Ole is sent to boarding school by his single mother so he can learn more about life as he goes through puberty. But he finds the other boys just have their own problems.
Director: Aase Schmidt.
Cast: Morten Ingemann-Pedersen, Christian Lindhardt, Mads Johnsen, Bent Hagested, Sejer Andersen, Jytte Hauch-Fausbøll, Ulla Koppel, Marianne Gottschalck, Mogens Lønstrup, Helle Stauersbøll.
Denmark, 1972.
Language: Danish.
The archive contains two versions of the video file of this film of varying quality.
Download Smil mand! 1972.
Smil mand! 1972.
Smil mand! 1972.


The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.

The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.
 The Finishing Line is a short film produced in 1977 by British Transport Films, warning about the dangers children face on railway lines. Although it is not strictly a public information film, it is often considered to be so by fans of the genre. It was broadcast in its entirety several times on television, but was so controversial that it was replaced less than two years later by the slightly less graphic Robbie. It won at least two creative awards: Certificate of Appreciation (Top Category) and Oberhausen Mention at the Festival of Youth Paris. The film was also shown in several schools by invitation. The film was directed by John Krish, written by Krish and Michael Gilmour, and produced by James Ritchie. It was filmed in the vicinity of the then-closed Watton-at-Stone railway station, Hertfordshire.
The voice-over of a headmaster tells the children he knows that some have been playing on the railway. A young boy is sitting on a railway bridge wall. As the boy ponders on his thoughts, he pictures a school Sports Day-style event being held on the railway line. The rest of the film shows his imagined idea of what would happen, with children being split into four competitive teams to take part in different activities often carried out by young people trespassing on the railway.
Director: John Krish.
Cast: Antony Carrick, Kevin Flood, Don Henderson, Peter Hill, David Howe, Sharon Clark, Gary Collins, Peter Hill.
UK, 1977.
Language: English.
960x720 HD
Download The Finishing Line. 1977.
The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.
The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

La robe du soir / The Evening Dress. 2009. HD.

La robe du soir / The Evening Dress. 2009. HD.
FR. Juliette, 12 ans, timide et mal dans sa peau, voue un véritable culte à son professeur de français, Madame Solenska. Belle quadragénaire souvent provocante, Madame Solenska aime séduire son jeune auditoire : sa classe est son théâtre et ses élèves, ses meilleurs spectateurs. Persuadée d'être son élève préférée, Juliette imagine une relation privilégiée avec cette femme. Mais un jour, en se rendant en cachette chez Madame Solenska, elle en voit sortir Antoine, un élève de sa classe particulièrement beau. Chaque geste, chaque regard de Madame Solenska vers l'adolescent, chaque parole échangée vient alimenter ses soupçons. L'imagination torturée de Juliette s'emballe : pour elle, Madame Solenska et Antoine sont liés par une secrète relation amoureuse...
EN. Like many of her classmates, 12 year old tomboy Juliette has a crush on Mrs. Solenska, a teacher distinguished by stylish attire and an uninhibited, provocative classroom demeanor. Juliette's fascination turns into all-consuming obsession, forcing revelations from both the girl and her teacher.
Director: Myriam Aziza.
Cast: Alba Gaïa Kraghede Bellugi, Lio, Sophie Mounicot, Léo Legrand, Barthélémy Guillemard, Armand Chidlin, Lucie Bourdeu, Sylvain Creuzevault, Raphaèle Bouchard, Bernard Blancan, William Fagnidi, Aly Bourguiba, Edith Gaboriaud, Karl Sigwald.
France, 2009.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download La robe du soir / The Evening Dress. 2009.
La robe du soir / The Evening Dress. 2009. HD.
La robe du soir / The Evening Dress. 2009. HD.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997. FULL-HD.

Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997. FULL-HD.
CZ. Příběh složitého dospívání citlivého chlapce Kvida vznikl podle stejnojmenného románu Michala Viewegha. Nostalgická komedie ze života jedné svérázné české rodiny se opírá především o atraktivní téma: šedá léta "reálného" socialismu jsou totiž pro mnohé pamětníky zároveň šťastnou dobou jejich mládí či puberty. Dějová linie se soustřeďuje především na trampoty Kvidova otce, excentrického dříče s vysokoškolským diplomem, kterého jeho úsilí zabezpečit rodinu bez ztráty důstojnosti dovede téměř až k šílenství. Snímek, zaměřený na lidské vztahy a vášně, tak akcentuje spíše vážnější polohu vyprávění. Svým tématem i zařazením do doby normalizace připomíná úspěšný titul Díky za každé nové ráno.
EN. Báječná léta pod psa (English - Those Wonderful Years That Sucked) is a 1997 movie, adapted from the book of the same title by Michal Viewegh.
It's the beginning of the 1960s in Czechoslovakia where the heavy impact of the Soviet Union influences all the happenings in the country. A young mother, played by Libuše Šafránková and a father, played by Ondřej Vetchý, are expecting their first baby. They have already agreed on a name - Quido. The baby is due to be born on August 5, but because nothing happens as planned, Quido is born earlier, during the performance Waiting for Godot written by Samuel Beckett. This might have influenced his life because since that moment he seems to be a genius boy. Of course his intelligence makes him trouble during his teenage years at school and also during his attempts to get a girlfriend. Eventually he manages to pick the right one.
For Quido everything suddenly looks wonderful, when another disaster comes. His father starts to suffer from persecution mania after he has been degraded from his job and asked to come to a police interrogation. He changes completely and thinks that the situation becomes unbearable. That's why he is making himself a coffin. Quido's mother feels desperate and comes with an idea which could save her husband. She wants Quido to have his own baby so that her husband could see the world from a better perspective again.
Eventually the whole situation is saved not only by Quido's child, but mainly by The Velvet Revolution in 1989. As a result, Quido's father starts to feel much better. The whole atmosphere is then interrupted by the fact that it becomes more and more obvious that the situation hasn't changed that much.
Director: Petr Nikolaev.
Cast: Ondřej Vetchý, Libuše Šafránková, Vladimír Javorský, Jan Zahálka, Jakub Wehrenberg, Klára Botková, Jitka Ježková, Vladimír Dlouhý, Vilma Cibulková, Miriam Kantorková, Květa Fialová, Stanislav Zindulka, Otakar Brousek st., Viktor Preiss, Jiří Schmitzer, Emma Černá, Miloň Čepelka, Alice Bendová, Otmar Brancuzský, Jan Hraběta, Zdeněk David, Vlastimil Zavřel, Bohumil Klepl, Aleš Najbrt, Jiří Fero Burda, Jan Slovák, Lenka Vychodilová, Ladislav Klepal, Jaroslav Horák, Jan Vondráček, Martin Matejka, František Švihlík, Petr Koutecký, Doubravka Svobodová.
Czech Republic, 1997.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997.

Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997. FULL-HD.
Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / The Children from Number 67. 1980. HD.

Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / The Children from Number 67. 1980. HD.
DE. Berlin 1932: Die Kinder aus No. 67 treffen sich seit jeher zum Spiel auf dem Hinterhof. Nichts kann ihre Freundschaft stören, scheint es, auch wenn Arbeitslosigkeit und große Not ihren Familien das Leben schwer machen. Erwin und Paul sind dennoch die dicksten Freunde. Als jedoch Hitler an die Macht kommt, wird ihr Zusammenhalt auf eine große Probe gestellt. Paul geht in die Hitlerjunged, während Erwins Vater als SPD-Mitglied verhaftet wird und seine jüdische Freundin Deutschland verlässt. Als Paul nur noch mit der Uniform der Hinterljugend auftritt, zerbricht ihre Freundschaft vollständig.
EN. The "Our Gang" type adventures of German working class kids from a Berlin apartment building (number 67) during the early 1930s. With Nazism's rise, however, their tight-knit group unravels. One leader, Paul, becomes a Nazi. (In a later book of the series, you discover he renounces Nazism and flees to Switzerland.) One, Erwin, resists Nazification. (In a later book, his father takes him to Sweden. He eventually, however, fights for the British.) And the girl, Miriam, who is Jewish, immigrates to Canada. (In a later book, she returns to Europe after the war, where all three comrades finally meet in Geneva to renew their vows of friendship once again.).
Directors: Usch Barthelmeß-Weller, Werner Meyer.
Cast: Bernd Riedel, René Schaaf, May Buschke, Juergen Frei, Stefan Bossenberger, Heike Falkenberg, Peter Franke, Franziska Krumwiede, Johanna Karl-Lory, Gotthard Kuppel, Barbara Morawiecz.
West Germany, 1980.
Language: German, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / The Children from Number 67. 1980.
Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / The Children from Number 67. 1980. HD.
Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / The Children from Number 67. 1980. HD.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976. FULL-HD.

Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976. FULL-HD.
ES. Ana recuerda todo lo ocurrido desde de la muerte de su padre, veinte años antes. Su hija, de nueve años, cree tener poder sobre la vida y la muerte de quienes viven con ella. Hay otro poder que Ana cree poseer: el de invocar la presencia de su madre. Con ella, muerta hace años, revive una relación llena de ternura y, a veces, de dominio.
EN. Cría Cuervos (Raise ravens) is a 1976 Spanish drama film directed by Carlos Saura. The film is an allegorical drama about an eight-year-old girl dealing with loss. Highly acclaimed, it received the Special Jury Prize Award at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival.
In Madrid, the orphan sisters Irene, Ana and Maite are raised by their austere aunt Paulina together with their mute and crippled grandmother after the death of their mother and their military father Anselmo. Ana is a melancholic girl, fascinated by death, after seeing her mother having a painful death and her father dead in bed.
Director: Carlos Saura.
Cast: Geraldine Chaplin, Mónica Randall, Florinda Chico, Ana Torrent, Héctor Alterio, Germán Cobos, Mirta Miller, Josefina Díaz, Conchita Pérez, Mayte Sanchez, Juan Sánchez Almendros.
Spain, 1976.
Language: Spanish, English.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976:
2 parts archive:
Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976. FULL-HD.
Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976. FULL-HD.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Goluboy portret / Blue Portrait. 1976. FULL-HD.

Goluboy portret / Blue Portrait. 1976. FULL-HD.
Old romantic Soviet film about a young dreamer, first mutual sympathy to the girl and a great friendship with her grandmother. And in general - it is a story about another pioneer summer in the village.
Director: Gennadiy Shumskiy.
Cast: Dariya Mikhaylova, Valeri Savishchev, Varvara Soshalskaya, Yuriy Nazarov, Dmitri Samodumov, Vitali Yerikhov.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1976.
Language: Russian.
3208x1360 FULL-HD
Download Goluboy portret / Blue Portrait. 1976:
2 parts archive:

Goluboy portret / Blue Portrait. 1976. FULL-HD.
Goluboy portret / Blue Portrait. 1976. FULL-HD.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.

Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.
BY. «Птушкі бяз гнёздаў» (руск.: Птицы без гнёзд) — мастацкі фільм пра беларускую паэтэсу Ларысу Геніюш, створаны на падставе яе ўспамінаў.
Геніюш Ларыса Антонаўна (1910, в. Жлобаўцы Ваўкавыскага р-на – 07.04.1983), паэтэса, празаік. Скончыла Ваўкавыскую польскую гімназію (1928). У 1937 г. выехала ў Прагу, дзе вучыўся, а пасля працаваў лекарам муж. Удзельнічала ў дзейнасці беларускай эміграцыі (была сакратаром урада БНР). 05.03.1948 г. з мужам арыштавана ў Празе, прывезена ў Мінск. у 1949 г. прыгаворана Вярхоўным судом БССР да 25 гадоў лагераў. Пакаранне адбывала ў Комі АССР.
Вызвалена ў 1956 г., пасялілася ў г. п. Зэльва Гродзенскай вобл., дзе, маючы грамадзянства Чэхаславакіі, жыла да смерці. Друкавалася з 1939 г. у эмігранцкіх выданнях. У першым зборніку "Ад родных ніў" (Прага, 1942) пераважаюць нацыянальна-вызваленчыя матывы. Аўтар зборнікаў "Невадам з Нёмана" (1967), "На чабары настоены" (1982), кніг для дзяцей "Казкі для Міхаські" (1972), "Добрай раніцы, Алесь" (1976).
Яе творчасць – думка пра лёс Беларусі, яе гісторыю,сучаснае і будучае. Нязломнасцю духу вызначаюцца лагерныя творы ("Крывёй напоўніліся поймы рэк", "Мы – народ"), кніга ўспамінаў "Споведзь" (апублікавана ў 1990).
Помнікі Л. Геніюш устаноўлены ў г. Зэльва і ў г. Старыя Дарогі.
EN. "Birds without nests" (Russian: Птицы без гнёзд) is a feature film about the Belarusian poetess Larisa Heniyush, based on her memoirs. Her work is an idea of the fate of Belarus, its history, present and future.
Director: Vitaliy Dudin / Віталь Дудзін.
Cast: Tatiana Kovalevskaya, Pavel Kormunin, Alexei Buldakov, Gennady Garbuk, Alexander Tkachenok, Lyubov Rumyantseva, Nikolai Kirichenko, Oleg Korchikov, Ivan Matskevich, Albinas Keleris.
Belarus, Belarusfilm, 1996.
Language: Russian, Belarusian.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996.
Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.
Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Los días / Days. 2012. FULL-HD.

Los días / Days. 2012. FULL-HD.

ES. Martina y Micaela, dos hermanas gemelas, viven con madre que se ocupa de ellas: las despierta, les cocina, las ayuda con los deberes escolares, las peina y las viste. También las acompaña a sus clases de catequesis y a castings en la Capital, con la intención de que sus hijas sean actrices famosas. Una rutina que se altera cuando Norma comienza a trabajar y abandona las tareas del hogar.
EN. Twin sisters Martina and Micaela live with their mother, Norma who takes care of them. She also accompanies them to their classes of catechesis (basic Christian religious education) and to castings in the capital, with the intention that her daughters would be famous actresses. The routine is altered when Norma begins to work and leaves the tasks of the home. Martina and Micaela are left alone and, in a situation of fragile helplessness and freedom, begin a learning of domestic survival.
Director: Ezequiel Yanco.
Cast: Martina Méndez, Micaela Mendes, Norma Ponzio.
Argentina, 2012.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Los días / Days. 2012.

Los días / Days. 2012. FULL-HD.
Los días / Days. 2012. FULL-HD.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.

Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.

 ES. En el cálido escenario de Mazatlán se narra el presente y pasado de Minerva, una escritora que en busca de su gran novela, deja la ciudad de Los Ángeles para volver a su estado natal luego de treinta años de ausencia.
EN. A writer facing a critical situation in her career decides to re-encounter her past (the fantastic world of her childhood). She is surprised by facts she never knew as a child and would've changed her life...
Director: Óscar Blancarte.
Cast: Angélica Aragón, Martha Lorena Osuna, Francisco Gattorno, Manuel Ojeda, Lumi Cavazos, Dolores Beristáin, Roberto Cobo, Luis Felipe Tovar, Claudia Pezzuto, Fernando Sarfatti.
Mexico, 2000.
Language: Spanish, English.
Subtitles:  English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000.

Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.
Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture : Maité (Anne Letourneau). Mais Daniel et Sarah ont deux filles : Vanessa (Désirée Nosbusch), 16 ans et Lolo (Valérie Dumas), 13 ans qui, n'acceptant pas cet abandon, décident de tout mettre en oeuvre pour récupérer leur père. N'ayant pas réussi à convaincre Daniel de son "erreur", elles vont mettre en place une véritable stratégie. C'est une histoire où se révèlent les points de vue des adolescents (avec "leurs" problème et "leurs" solutions) aussi bien que des femmes adultes et où le fou rire et les facéties succèdent aux serrements de coeur et à la peur. A partir d'une situation dramatique et très quotidienne, c'est une comédie douce amère offrant une vue en coupe de la "nouvelle société", avec toutes les surprises que cela implique...
EN. Daniel Dalbret, a cordial but pliable 40-year-old mechanic, leaves his wife Sarah after 17 years of living together in favor of a young and pretty prefecture secretary Maite.
Director: Christian Lara.
Cast: Valérie Dumas, Désirée Nosbusch, Sarah Siritzky, Daniel Sarky, Anne Létourneau, Gérard Ismaël, François Maistre, Rémi Laurent, Danielle Amerel, Françoise Guillaume, Valérie Kaprisky, Paul-Clément Devigny, André Chanal.
France, West Germany, 1982.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.


Sommerjubel / Joy of Summer / After Spring. 1986.

Sommerjubel / After Spring / Joy of Summer. 1986.
NO. Sommerjubel er en norsk novellefilm for barn fra 1986, regissert av Alexander Røsler etter en novelle av Rune Belsvik. Filmen handler om barns erotiske oppvåkning i en sommerferie. Vi møter noen 10-åringer som begynner å utforske sine erotiske følelser seg imellom og de får også øynene opp for de voksnes seksualitet.
EN. The summer adventures and discoveries of several 10-year-old kids. They go skinny dipping, play together and discover the wonders and confusions of growing up and changes in the way they perceive the opposite sex. As a separate plot line, we follow the father of a pair of brothers falling in love with their teacher. That provides for a sweet, but comic, parallel about falling in love at any age.
Director: Alexander Røsler.
Cast: Joakim Kock, Lasse Edvardsen, Camilla Sletten, Øystein Offer-Olsen, Siri Hoff, Hans Jacob Melbye, Siri Spillum, Thomas Bay.
Norway, 1986.
Language: Norwegian.
The archive contains two versions of the film of varying quality.
Download Sommerjubel / After Spring / Joy of Summer. 1986.
Sommerjubel / After Spring / Joy of Summer. 1986.
Sommerjubel / After Spring / Joy of Summer. 1986.