Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Monday, July 31, 2023

Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.

Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.
PL. Dziewczyna i chłopak – polski film przygodowo-komediowy z 1980, w reżyserii Stanisława Lotha, będący kinową wersją popularnego serialu 1978 pod tym samym tytułem.
Film kinowy zmontowany z materiału do serialu o tym samym tytule, będącego ekranizacją powieści Hanny Ożogowskiej. Tosia i Tomek są niezwykle do siebie podobnym rodzeństwem. Mają spędzić wakacje osobno - Tomek u stryja, Tosia u cioci. Tuż przed wyjazdem dochodzi jednak do zamiany. By kryć brata, który złamał zakaz opuszczania mieszkania, Tosia w męskim przebraniu udaje się zamiast niego na wakacje do leśniczówki. Tomkowi nie pozostaje nic innego niż wciągnięcie spódniczki i wyjazd do babińca, jakim okazuje się gospodarstwo cioci Ireny.
EN. A girl and a boy - a Polish adventure-comedy film from 1980, directed by Stanisław Loth, which is a cinematic version of the popular 1978 series of the same title.
A cinema film edited from material for the TV series of the same title, which is a screen adaptation of Hanna Ozogowska's novel. Tosia and Tomek are very similar siblings. They are to spend their holidays separately - Tomek with his uncle, Tosia with her aunt. However, just before departure, there is an exchange. In order to cover for her brother, who broke the ban on leaving the apartment, Tosia, disguised as a boy, goes on holiday to the forester's lodge instead of him. There is nothing left for Tomek but to pull on his skirt and go to the grandmother's house, which turns out to be Aunt Irena's farm.
Directors: Stanisław Loth, Marian Kiełbaszczak.
Cast: Wojciech Sieniawski, Anna Sieniawska, Barbara Sołtysik, Stanisław Mikulski, Michał Sumiński, Teresa Lipowska, Anna Milewska, Jerzy Turek, Bogusz Bilewski, Zygmunt Maciejewski, Tadeusz Pluciński, Zdzisław Szymański.
Poland, 1980.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980.
Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.
Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.

Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.
Dziewczyna i chłopak / Girl and Boy. 1980. FULL-HD.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Secaderos / Tobacco Barns. 2022. FULL-HD.

Secaderos / Tobacco Barns. 2022. FULL-HD.
ES. Un pequeño pueblo rural es el paraíso de una niña de ciudad y la jaula de una adolescente local. Dos historias paralelas que transcurren entre secaderos de tabaco durante un verano teñido de realismo mágico.
EN. The landscape of a rural area is filled with mysterious tobacco barns. Three generations spend the summer uncovering the secrets of these structures in a little town that is a childhood playground, a teenage cage, and an elder's memory.
Director: Rocio Mesa.
Cast: Ada Mar, Vera Centenera, Tamara Arias de Saavedra, Fidel Pérez, Cristina Eugenia Segura Molina, José Sáez Conejero.
Spain, 2022.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Secaderos / Tobacco Barns. 2022.
Secaderos / Tobacco Barns. 2022. FULL-HD.
Secaderos / Tobacco Barns. 2022. FULL-HD.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Lus / Lice. 1983. FULL-HD.

Lus / Lice. 1983. FULL-HD.
DK. Lus er en dansk børnefilm fra 1983 instrueret af Anette Pilmark og efter manuskript af Anette Pilmark og Per Schultz.
Lisa er 6 1/2 år gammel og går i børnehave. En dag får hun lus. Filmen viser, hvordan kammeraterne og de voksne omgivelser reagerer.
EN. Lisa is 6 1/2 years old and goes to kindergarten. One day she gets lice. The film shows how the comrades and the adult surroundings react.
Director: Anette Pilmark.
Cast: Julie Find, Jesper Bredgaard, Anna Emilie Graae, Ivan Harsløf, Jonas Preisler, Iben Wurbs, Gunvor Bjerre.
Denmark, 1983.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Lus / Lice. 1983.
Lus / Lice. 1983. FULL-HD.
Lus / Lice. 1983. FULL-HD.


Friday, July 28, 2023

O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.

O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.
PT. Um menino favelado realiza seu sonho ganhando uma calça branca no Natal. Vestido com ela sai pelos caminhos do morro. Com cuidado para não suja-la evita as brincadeiras com os companheiros e busca o asfalto para mover-se mantendo-a limpa. Fica a imitar o andar de adultos vestido de branco, sentindo-se um igual. Ao assistir a uma pelada de rua, a bola, caindo numa poça espalha lama sobre seu presente. Volta correndo aos braços de seu habitat, reintegrado à sua gente.
EN. When a young boy from a shanty town near Rio de Janeiro gets a coveted pair of white trousers for Christmas his joy knows no bounds. Not getting them dirty, however, presents certain difficulties for a lively slum kid.
Director: Sérgio Ricardo.
Cast: José Galán, Zezinho Gama, Laura Figueiredo, Sérgio Ricardo, Wanda Daniel.
Brazil, 1961.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
Download O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.
O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.
O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.

Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.
Bettkantengeschichten - German TV series 1983-1990.
At the beginning of each episode, a child makes an evil experience.
Season 1, Episode 11. Der liebe Gott im Schrank.
The father hears Gesa pray and is surprised, because nobody in the family is a believer. He is even more astonished when Gesa opens the cupboard and introduces him to a man with a beard whom she considers to be the good God. Gesa has found the man in the church, where a cleaning lady said to him: "My God, you can not sleep all day." And then Gesa followed him for a long time to see if what they say about God is true. She took him home so that the parents would meet him, and they always say he does not exist. The parents are speechless.
Directors: Peter Bauhaus, Thomas Draeger.
Cast: Gerd David, Anna Paula Gabriel, Thomas Hodin, Christine Schuster, Hildegard Wensch.
Germany, 1985.
Language: German.
Download Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.
Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.
Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.

Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.
IT. Anselmo è un bambino speciale e passa molto tempo con la sua amica Titti. Si giurano amore eterno, ma il padre di Titti, ostile ad Anselmo, viene incarcerato e gli assistenti sociali portano Titti lontano dal paese.
Anselmo, ormai uomo, continua a guardare il mondo con gli occhi di un bambino ed è ancora affascinato dai supereroi, tanto che crede ancora che il padre lo abbia abbandonato per andare a salvare il mondo. Ogni notte combatte il crimine del suo paesino con l'identità di Copperman (in inglese uomo di rame), grazie a Silvano, il fabbro del paese che gli ha confezionato un'armatura. Ma ecco che Titti ritorna...
EN. Copperman is the story of a man living his childhood dream. The film revolves around the topic of autism, to tell as an element of diversity might turn into an advantage.
Director: Eros Puglielli.
Cast: Luca Argentero, Antonia Truppo, Galatea Ranzi, Gianluca Gobbi, Tommaso Ragno, Sebastian Dimulescu, Angelica Bellucci, Gualtiero Burzi, Luis Molteni, Paolo Romano, Massimo Poggio, Giulia Rebecca Urso.
Italy, 2019.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Copperman. 2019.
Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.
Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.

Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.
Copperman. 2019. FULL-HD.


Monday, July 24, 2023

猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.

猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.
JP. 海外向けにコスプレ、メイドカフェ、フィギュアといったアキハバラ・カルチャーを題材にしラブコメにした、ジャパニーズ・カルチャームービーとの『萌えキュン@MOVIE』シリーズの3部作。
第1弾「萌えキュン@MOVIE 猫耳少女キキ」
EN. Cat Girl Kiki (猫耳少女キキ, Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki) is a Japanese fantasy comedy drama film directed by Akiyoshi Sugiura and released in 2006 by VAP. It is part of the Akihabara Trilogy of films revolving around the Akihabara cosplay and otaku subcultures.
Yoshirou, a secluded teenager, brings back home a stray cat after a car accident. The next morning the cat has turned into a nice girl, Kiki, who wants to be his girlfriend... Will catnip get in the way of their love?
Catgirls are common themes in otaku media. As Yoshirou teaches Kiki how to behave more like a human, he also makes her wear a maid cosplay and a Japanese school uniform, which are other references to the Akihabara cosplay culture.
Director: 杉浦昭嘉 / Akiyoshi Sugiura.
Cast: Yui Kano, Teruaki Uotani, Minami Aoyama, Katsuya Kobayashi, Youko Teramura, Ao Shimizu, Wakako Kurahashi, Hideyuki Inoue.
Japan, 1996.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.
猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.
猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.

千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.
JP. 幼くして被爆した少女が小学6年で死ぬまでの短い青春を描く。手島悠介原作の同名小説の映画化で、脚本・監督は「ハチ公物語」の神山征二郎、共同脚本は「春駒のうた」の松田昭三、撮影は「神々の履歴書」の南文憲がそれぞれ担当。
昭和29年4月、広島。理髪店を営む佐々木夫妻の娘・禎子は小学6年生になった。活発で心の優しい禎子は友達も多くスポーツも得意。秋の運動会では駆けっこでクラスを優勝に導くなど楽しい学校生活を送っていた。しかし、秋の終り頃禎子は風邪をひいてリンパ腺を腫らした。なかなか治らないので近所の医者はABCC の検査を受けるよう勧めた。
EN. April 1954. 12 year old schoolgirl Sadako thinks her main problem is being unable to pass the baton in relay races. But just as her team starts winning, she starts getting tired more easily. She is sent back to the American Base Victory Hospital, where the diagnosis is lymphatic leukemia. And she has no more than a year left to live. Her parents agree with the doctor that Sadako should not be told, but will she find out anyway?
Director: 神山征二郎 / Seijirô Kôyama.
Cast: Chieko Baishô, Tamami Hirose, Gin Maeda, Mako Ishino, Mamiko Tayama, Hiromi Iwasaki, Mie Watanabe, Saburô Shinoda, Kazuo Andô, Chieko Aioi, Takahiro Tamura, Taiji Tonoyama, Shôzô Hirabayashi.
Japan, 1989.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989.
千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.
千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.


Friday, July 21, 2023

Anthology of short films. Part 118.

Anthology of short films. Part 118.
Today, despite the heat and rain, we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and eighteen. In this archive we have collected eight mini-films. Almost all short films are fresh except for one - very funny.
Happy viewing!
1. Tornar a Casa. 2022. FULL-HD.
After her parents’ separation, Nit moves in with her mother and younger sister at her great-grandparents’ seaside home. Her mother tells her to unpack, but Nit doesn’t want to. She doesn’t understand what’s going on. They already have a house, and this one is ugly and dirty.
Director: Ariadna Pastor.
Spain, 2022.
Language: Catalan.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
2. Alice Rouba Memórias. 2021. FULL-HD.
In an alternative 2004, a device allows Alice, a lonely 11-year-old girl, to record and revisit what she most looks for: memories.
Director: Vinícius Schuenquer.
Brazil, 2021.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. Gravity. 1976.
In this spoof of public-school educational films, young Mary Jane asks the question, "What is gravity?" After asking various (dysfunctional) family members without success, she then asks Dr. Waxman of the Karl LaFong Foundation for Gravitational Research (motto: "heads in the clouds and feet on the ground"), who explains that gravity is caused by a substance named GR12. Unfortunately, the world is running out of GR12. The cartoon character Jiminy Gravity then explains (in song) how we can conserve gravity with such practices as sitting on the floor and carrying helium balloons.
Directors: Michael Nankin, David Wechter.
USA, 1976.
Language: English.
4. Making of Brecha. 2009. FULL-HD
Documentary about the shooting of the film Brecha by an Argentinean independent director Iván Noel.
Spain, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Marilyn's Dress. 2011. HD.
A father's conflicted desire for his daughter awakens her to the power her sexuality gives her over men.
Director: Tanya Savard.
USA, 2011.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Moustaco. 2019. FULL-HD.
In Moustaco, everyone wears a mustache and females are no exception. Moustine, a 10-year-old girl who doesn't wear one wishes to join the prestigious Moustaco ballet company to become a dancer.
Directors: Justine GoaziouSamantha Vié.
France, 2019.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
7. Si Ayu - a ReMoved story. 2023. FULL-HD.
One of the new films of "ReMoved stories", told from a child's point of view about the lives of children affected by poverty, this time in Indonesia.
Director: Nathanael Matanick.
USA, 2023.
Language: Indonesian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
8. Broer / Brother. 2012. HD.
When parents leave home for the weekend, three children are left alone in a large villa. Eleven-year-old Lauren loves her sixteen-year-old brother, Vout. Wout also loves his younger sister, but prefers a peer company - just like her elder sister Marit. Lauren feels forgotten and abandoned, and in order to attract attention, she decides to take a desperate step.
Director: Sacha Polak.
Netherlands, 2012.
Language: Dutch.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 118.
Anthology of short films. Part 118.
Anthology of short films. Part 118.

Anthology of short films. Part 118.
Anthology of short films. Part 118.


Monday, July 17, 2023

Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.

Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.
Towards Evening (Italian: Verso sera) is a 1990 Italian drama film directed by Francesca Archibugi. It was entered into the 17th Moscow International Film Festival. For her performance Zoe Incrocci was awarded with a David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actress and a Silver Ribbon in the same category. The film also won the David di Donatello for Best Film and the Nastro d'Argento for Best Actor (to Marcello Mastroianni).
Professor Ludovico Bruschi is an elderly Communist whose desire is that of living in an orderly and socially just State. But disorder Professor Ludovico Bruschi is an elderly Communist whose desire is that of living in an orderly and socially just State. But disorder is just about to break into his life, first of all in the shape of his granddaughter Papere and then in that of Papere's mother Stella, his son's companion. The relationship between Oliviero, Bruschi's son, and Stella has come to an end perhaps because of the extreme youth of the two lovers. Now Professor Bruschi is obliged to come to terms with the gloomy, ignorant, offended Stella whose head is full of false and destructive ideals and who disturbs his way of living out daily life. The professor loses his patience and Stella leaves. He looks for her and finds her in hospital with a broken leg. The two of them begin to grow close and then, without realizing it, they come to love each other immensely. Stella's leg gets better and she goes off to look for new relationships, new experiences, while the Professor goes on waiting for her: and all this in the presence of Papere, too young to understand.
Director: Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Sandrine Bonnaire, Zoe Incrocci, Giorgio Tirabassi, Victor Cavallo, Antonella Attili, Lara Pranzoni, Veronica Lazar, Giovanna Ralli, Fernando Pannullo, Velia Majolo, Marco Lodoli, Carla Calò.
Italy, France, 1990.
Language: Russian (Italian).
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990.
Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.
Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.

À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.
FR. À dix minutes des naturistes est un téléfilm français réalisé par Stéphane Clavier et diffusé le 11 juin 2012 sur TF1.
Une famille de concierges bruxellois profite de l'absence de ses patrons pour échanger une belle propriété contre une villa de vacances à l'île du Couchant... Ils ignoraient juste un petit détail: l'île du Couchant, c'est 100 % naturiste ! Pendant ce temps, les Levantains débarquent à Bruxelles pour promouvoir une directive qui pourrait bien déshabiller toute l'Europe.
EN. Family caretakers Brussels advantage of the absence of his patrons to exchange a beautiful property against a holiday villa in Sunset Island... They just did not know a small detail: Island Sunset is 100% nude! Meanwhile, the Levantains arrive in Brussels to promote a directive that could undress throughout Europe.
Director: Stéphane Clavier.
Cast: Lionel Abelanski, Christine Citti, Bruno Ricci, Maeva Pasquali, Marie Pape, Nicole Shirer, Hugues Hausman, Alain Leempoel, Cécile Vangrieken, Laurent Van Wetter, Joséphine De Renesse, Eric De Staercke, Jean-Pierre Denuit, Laurent D'Elia.
France, TF1, 2012.
Language: French, Russian.
1280х720 HD
Download À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012.
À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.
À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.


Saturday, July 15, 2023

La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.

La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.
The princess Anastasia is cursed by the witch Carabosse to die but three teenage fairies change it and the girl falls into a deep sleep for one hundred years to wake-up as a sixteen year-old teenager. Along her dream, Anastasia takes a ghost train and is adopted by a woman that lives in the woods with her son Peter that becomes her stepbrother. Soon Peter is seduced by the Snow Queen and leaves home with her. Anastasia seeks him out and travels through the kingdom of albino King and Queen that offer her a stagecoach to help her to travel. However Anastasia is attacked by gypsy bandits that kidnap her, but she befriends a gypsy girl that offers a magic animal to ride in her quest. Out of the blue, the sixteen year-old Anastasia is awaken by Peter's grandson Johan.
Director: Catherine Breillat.
Cast: Carla Besnaïnou, Julia Artamonov, Kerian Mayan, David Chausse, Luna Charpentier, Rhizlaine El Cohen, Delia Bouglione-Romanès, Diana Rudychenko, Maricha Lopoukhine, Jean-Philippe Tesse, Dounia Sichov, Leslie Lipkins, Romane Portail.
France, 2010.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010.
La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.
La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.

La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.
La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.

Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.
 FR. Lise, une jeune adolescente qui rêve de partir à la mer, est en plein deuil familial. Elle n'a d'autre échappatoire que la correspondance qu'elle entretient avec Gwen, sa meilleure amie. Celle-ci vit en Bretagne au sein d'une famille de marins pêcheurs en pleine crise. Au fur et à mesure de leur correspondance, les deux jeunes filles vont s'apercevoir qu'elles n'ont plus rien à se dire. Une rupture d'autant plus violente que l'attachement était grand.
EN. Girls Can't Swim (French: Les Filles ne savent pas nager) is a 2000 French coming of age drama film. It was first shown at the 2000 Montreal FilmFestival.
Even though they grew up in opposite parts of France, Gwen and Lise are best friends and spend every summer vacation together on the Brittany coast where Gwen lives and Lise's family has a summer home. But this summer is different because Lise's family isn't going on vacation for reasons that she won't explain to Gwen. Sick of her parents bickering about money and missing her bosom buddy, Gwen finds a boyfriend and mingles with some horny out-of-towners. Now fifteen, she's discovered that summer can be fun even if Lise isn't there. Then suddenly, Lise shows up at Gwen's house uninvited to stay for a couple of weeks. The following days are filled with unexpected surprises, causing the girls to reevaluate the importance of their friendship and the nature of their teenage anxieties.
Director: Anne-Sophie Birot.
Cast: Isild Le Besco, Karen Alyx, Pascale Bussières, Pascal Elso, Marie Rivière, Yelda Reynaud, Sandrine Blancke, Julien Cottereau, Dominique Lacarrière, France Besson, Damien Boenwec, Yves Claessens, Sylvie Contant, Raphaël Le Brun.
France, 2000.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.
Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.

Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.
 Georgie, 12, is growing up in Sydney's Western suburbs in the 1970's. She's a tomboy, creative, and a dreamer; but always lives just outside herself and never quite in the present. She creates a magical underwater world to escape paternal abuse, and dreams of sharing this magical world, and the secret beneath it, with her best friend, Lisa. Lisa is in many ways Georgie's opposite: quieter, girlish, at home in her world; but she realizes that Georgie is hiding some silent hurt, and is willing to do anything for her.
Director: Denie Pentecost.
Cast: Jan Langford Penny, Hanna Mangan Lawrence, Catherine McClements, Layla Trace, Chris Vance, Richard Pod, Harper Damichi, Ray Woodhouse.
Australia, 2006.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Seхy Thing. 2006.
Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.
Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.

Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.
A nine-year-old boy is obsessed with the sizable penis of his older friend.
In this award winning and funny exploration of youth, race, and seх, a nine-year old boy works through his obsession with an older boy.
This short is amazing. In ten minutes it tells the story some films take 90 boring minutes to do. It's fast, furious, funny and completely believable.
Director: Philippe Barassat.
Cast: Nordine Mezaache, Jonathan Reyes, Mathieu Demy, Corinne Lentretien, Maria Desroches, Frédéric Mitterrand.
France, 1997.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.
Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.
Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.

Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.

Fifteen year olds Ferris Whitney and Angel Bright meet when they attend the same summer camp and are assigned the bunks next to each other in the same cabin. It's hate at first sight as they are seemingly polar opposites: romantic and literate Ferris comes from a wealthy and thus privileged background, while streetwise and chain-smoking Angel is from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks. But they share one similarity: they are both virgins, the only ones of their age in their cabin. Due to pressure from their cabin mates, most specifically the aggressive Cinder Carlson, the two enter into a bet on who will lose their virginity first and by the end of the summer. Ferris, who initially seems more interested in the pursuit of the opposite sex, quickly sets her sights on Gary Callahan, the much older coach at the camp. But Angel finds her own target, namely Randy Adams, an equally streetwise boy attending the camp across the lake...
Director: Ronald F. Maxwell.

Cast: Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol, Armand Assante, Matt Dillon, Cynthia Nixon, Margaret Blye, Nicolas Coster, Krista Errickson, Abby Bluestone, Marianne Gordon.
USA, 1980.

Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Little Darlings. 1980.
Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.
Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.

Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.
AM. Անուշ մայրիկը, 1983 թվականին Հայֆիլմի կողմից թողարկված կինոնկար։ Ֆիլմը պատմում է Անուշ մայրիկի (Լիա Ախեջակովա) արկածների մասին, երբ նա փորձում է այցելել իր տղային, որը ծառայում է բանակում.
EN. The film tells us of the adventures of a mother who tries to visit her son in one of the military units.
Director: Արա Վահունի / Araik Vauni.
Cast: Liya Akhedzhakova, Lev Durov, Azat Sherents, Tigran Voskanyan, E. Grigoryan, Stepan Kevorkov, Alexander Khachatryan, R. Davtyan, Arus Papyan, Rudolf Gevondyan, R. Mnatsakanyan, Anna Yeremyan, K. Melkonyan, Alexander Shishkin, R. Gasparyan.
USSR, Armenfilm, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Download Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.
Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.
Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.


Saturday, July 8, 2023

Manue bolonaise. 2005.

Manue bolonaise. 2005.
FR. Manue et Sophie (11 ans) sont les meilleures amies du monde. Elles passent tout leur temps ensemble, elles se construisent un monde comme elles se construiraient une cabane.
Manue voudrait bien sortir avec un garçon, pour Sophie les garçons c’est plutôt un prétexte pour rigoler avec Manue. Au bout du compte c’est pourtant cette dernière qui la première passera à l’acte et «embrassera avec la langue».
Les vacances qui suivent cet événement continuent de séparer les deux filles.
Elles passent en 5ème, il y a un redoublant rebelle dans la classe : Yannick. Les deux files le prennent en grippe.
Petit à petit elles vont le fréquenter «malgré elles», il va les manipuler.
EN. The lives of two girlfriends, both sixth-graders. Manue is in a hurry to leave childhood behind her. She has passing love affairs with boys, gradually neglecting her best friend Sophie, who doesn’t really want to grow up
Director: Sophie Letourneur.
Cast: Louise Husson, Juliette Wowkonowicz, Max Castelyn, Sullivan Chague.
France, 2005.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download Manue bolonaise. 2005.
Manue bolonaise. 2005.
Manue bolonaise. 2005.


Friday, July 7, 2023

Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.

Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.
 RO. Amintiri din copilărie este un film românesc din 1965 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Se bazează pe opera literară „Amintiri din copilărie” de Ion Creangă. Ion Bocancea a interpretat rolul Nică al lui Ștefan a Petrei și în filmul Pupăza din tei din 1965.
Ecranizând povestirile reunite de Ion Creangă sub celebrul titlu "Amintiri din copilărie", Elisabeta Bostan dă viață pe ecran celor mai minunate pagini ale literaturii românești pentru copii. În seara de Ajun, în bojdeuca lui din cartierul Țicău al Iașilor, Ion Creangă, interpretat de marele actor Ștefan Ciubotărașu își amintește cu duioasă nostalgie de copilăria sa petrecută în satul natal Humulești, de poznele și aventurile sale, atribuite în carte personajului Nică a lui Ștefan a Petrei. Interpretul băiatului, Ion Bocancea, croiește personajul cu o naturalețe și candoare cuceritoare. Cu șotiile și năzbâtiile sale, Nică atrăgea toate necazurile lumii intrând mereu în cele mai mari buclucuri, pe care trebuia să le rezolve tot el.
EN. Loosely based on Romanian author Ion Creanga's life as a child during the 1840s.Young schoolboy Ion is growing up fast in a provincial town of the Moldavia region of Romania.Local villagers call him "Nica a lui Stefan a Petrei".The film offers a detailed account of his childhood with special focus on the relationships between Ion and the various people in his life.The relationships between Ion as a child and his parents,friends,neighbors and teachers are described.The larger context of the Romanian rural social universe of the 19th century is also touched upon.Finally,the film shows Ion's coming-of-age from an innocent child growing up in an idyllic remote village to a rebellious adolescent dreaming of becoming a priest.
Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
Cast: Ștefan Ciobotărașu, Ion Bocancea, Corina Constantinescu, Emanoil Petruț, Nicolae Veniaș, Eliza Petrăchescu, Zoe Anghel Stanca, Mircea Constantinescu, Costache Sava, Alexandru Azoiței, Ion Henter, Mihai Mereuță.
Romania, 1964/1965.
Language: Romanian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964.
Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.
Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.


Thursday, July 6, 2023

靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.

靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.
CN. 《靚妹仔》(英語:Lonely Fifteen)是1982年上映的一部香港電影,由黎大煒執導,林碧琪、溫碧霞、麥德和主演,是監製麥當雄離開麗的電。劇情講述數名未成年少女離家出走後墮入風塵,迷失於愛情慰藉與物質享樂的故事。本片是香港新浪潮的代表作之一,「魚蛋妹」一詞亦因本作而為社會所認識,開創了麥當雄往後拍攝香港寫實電影的先河。
EN. Bik Kei is a troubled girl from a broken family. Her parents do not care about her and she is recognized as a bad student at school. She lives meaninglessly and always wanders on streets. Soon, she meets her boyfriend in a disco. But he is a playboy and she is abandoned very soon. One day, she meets her mum on a street and she is told that grandpa is dead.
Director: 黎大煒 / David Lai.
Cast: Becky Lam, Irene Wan, Kar Lok Chin, Shing-Choi Chu, Chu Fung Cheng, Ging Cheung, Chung-Lung Chan, Hsing-Tang Chen, John Au, Mak Tak-woh, Sau-yee Yung.
Hong Kong, 1982.
Language: Cantonese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982.
靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.
靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.

Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.
A 13-year-old girl named Louise lives alone with her widowed mother. Louise is sent off to a boarding school, but not before she discovers some secret documents kept hidden by her father. A curious look reveals that her father was a member of the secret order of Freemasons. When she finally gets to school, she tries to explain to her friends what the Freemasons are. Later, Louise's mother discovers a box of condoms in her daughter's room and wrongly presumes that the girl is sexually active.
Director: Gavin Millar.
Cast: Helen Lindsay, John Horsley, Anna Jones, Daisy Cockburn, Rebecca Johnson, Lucy Goode, Richard Tolan, Carol Gillies, Jane Briers, Judith Fellows, Judith Fellows, Georgine Anderson, Cynthia Grenville.
UK, 1983.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983.
Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.
Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Acné / Acne. 2008.

Acné / Acne. 2008.
Acne (Spanish: Acné) is a 2008 Uruguayan coming-of-age film directed by Federico Veiroj. The film showed in the Director's Fortnight portion of the 2008 Cannes Film Festival.
Rafa, a teenage boy who is just edging into his teens tries to unravel the mysteries of love and sex in this coming-of-age story. He is mired in the lower depths of adolescence; his skin is breaking out, he feels incredibly awkward, and he can't get women off his mind. While his older brother tries to help by arranging him to lose his virginity to a cooperative neighborhood woman, he is still mortified after the big seduction that he hasn't actually kissed a girl, and he and his pals Andy and Rony struggle to make sense of the fair sex. While they occasionally visit a neighborhood brothel where the working girls offer various forms of sympathy, they'd rather be spending time with the girls from their school, and Rafa sets his sights on Nicole, who is pretty enough that nearly everyone is convinced he doesn't stand a chance with her.
Director: Federico Veiroj.
Cast: Alejandro Tocar, Ana Julia Catalá, Gustavo Melnik, David Blankleider, Laura Piperno, Belén Pouchan, Igal Label, Yoel Bercovici, Graciana Albertoni, Verónica Perrotta, Jenny Goldstein, Néstor Guzzini.
USA, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, 2008.
Languages: Spanish, English, Hebrew.
Download Acné / Acne. 2008.
Acné / Acne. 2008.
Acné / Acne. 2008.


Monday, July 3, 2023

La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.

La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.
La Vie seхuelle des Belges 1950–78 is a 1994 Belgian comedy film and satire on Belgian provincialism that proved a major cinematic success in Belgium. It was the first film by now-famed Flemish provocateur and director Jan Bucquoy. The film is an adaptation of Bucquoy's comic strip La Vie Sexuelle Avec Mes Femmes and has many autobiographical elements, following his youth in the 1940s, 1950s until the late 1960s.
Jan Bocquoy narrates the story of his sexual life to age 28, imagining his conception (parents drunk, the encounter lasting ten seconds) and reporting his first orgasm (at the hands of Eddy, in a beach-side caravan, as they watch Laurel and Hardy), his comparative experiences with girls, and his move from Harelbeck to Brussels. There he meets Greta, bartender at a Bohemian cafe, who teaches him the Kama Sutra, the naked Esther, who reads him stories, and Thérèse, his wife for three years. They split after two children; he moves to a small flat, writes pоrnography to pay the bills, works sporadically on a novel, espouses anarchism, and meets more women. His self-confidence grows.
Director: Jan Bucquoy.
Cast: Jean-Henri Compère, Noe Francq, Isabelle Legros, Sophie Schneider, Jacques Druaux, Sacha Jacques, Boris Bucquoy, Pascale Binnert, Michel Angely, Raymond Vandersmissen.
Belgium, 1994.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Dutch.
Download La Vie seхuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Seхual Life of the Belgians. 1994.
La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.
La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.