Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Thursday, February 29, 2024

L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.

L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.
FR. L'Enfant lion est un film franco-burkinabé réalisé par Patrick Grandperret, sorti en 1993. Il s'agit d'une adaptation cinématographique du roman Sirga la lionne, de l'écrivain français René Guillot, paru en 1951.
Au village de Pama, en Afrique, au XXe siècle, Oulé vient au monde le même jour que Sirga, la petite lionne. Ils grandissent ensemble et deviennent inséparables, passant leurs journées à chasser, au grand dam de Léna, la douce amie d'Oulé. L'enfant apprend le langage des animaux, du vent et du feu. Ses connaissances vont d'ailleurs lui devenir précieuses, lorsqu'un jour surgissent des hommes armés venus du Nord. La tribu est décimée et les enfants sont emmenés en esclavage au Maghreb ou en Arabie. Oulé tente de retrouver sa terre natale avec l'aide des félins.
EN. In the village of Pama, Sirga the lioness and Oule the young boy, born the same day, grow up together as sister and brother. Oule discovers the world alongside Sirga, and it is through her that he learns the secrets of the brush. He knows how to speak to the trees, the beasts, the bees and the wind. But one day, horsemen arrive from the Nord to take away all of the children of the village in chains and sell them into slavery. Oule and his friend Lena are bought by a nobleman of the high plains who, terrified by Oule's powers, sends him into exile. But Oule posesses the strength of lions and he finds Sirga. With Lena, they will reconstruct the village of Pama...
Director: Patrick Grandperret.
Cast: Mathurin Sinze, Sophie-Véronique Toue Tagbe, Souleyman Koly, Wéré Wéré Liking, Salif Keïta, Jean-René de Fleurieu, Michel Boccara, Damouré Zika, Guy Cuevas.
France, Burkina Faso, 1993.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993.
L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.
L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Noci sonanti / Siddhartha. 2019. FULL-HD.

Noci sonanti / Siddhartha. 2019. FULL-HD.
IT. Alla fine degli anni Ottanta Fabrizio fonda la Tribù delle Noci Sonanti. In una vecchia casa colonica dell’entroterra marchigiano, l’uomo rinuncia all’elettricità e agli altri confort della vita contemporanea, ospitando chi vuole condividere il suo stile di vita radicale.
Trent’anni dopo, il film racconta un’estate che Fabrizio sessantacinquenne passa con il suo figlioletto Siddhartha, cresciuto in tribù quando suo padre e sua madre stavano ancora insieme. Il bambino prepara con il padre l’esame d’avanzamento alla quarta elementare, l’unico momento istituzionale della sua vita. Durante l’estate Sid inizia a frequentare Sofia, una vicina quasi sua coetanea. Con lei sperimenta uno stile di vita diverso. Momenti archetipici, comuni ad ogni bambino, si alternano ad altri più legati allo stile di vita, che segnano una differenza tra la tribù e il resto del mondo. Una differenza che il bambino deve considerare quando immagina per la prima volta il suo futuro.
EN. Siddhartha and Fabrizio, one of them nine years old, the other 65, are the core of a community that renounces every civilising comfort. Damiano Giacomelli and Lorenzo Raponi observe the life of the 'Noci Sonanti' over one summer marked by sun-drenched days and newborn cats.
Directors: Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi.
Italy, 2019.

Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Noci sonanti / Siddhartha. 2019.
Noci sonanti / Siddhartha. 2019. FULL-HD.
Noci sonanti / Siddhartha. 2019. FULL-HD.


Sunde børn / Healthy children. 1943. FULL-HD.

Sunde børn / Healthy children. 1943. FULL-HD.
 DK. Propagandafilm for en sundere børneforplejning af lege- og skolebørn, såvel med hensyn til kosten som til påklædning og renlighed.
EN. Propaganda film for a healthier child care of play and school children, both in terms of diet and clothing and cleanliness.
Director: Karl Roos.
Script: Aage Gullestrup.
Denmark, Minerva Film, 1943.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Sunde børn / Healthy children. 1943.
Sunde børn / Healthy children. 1943. FULL-HD.
Sunde børn / Healthy children. 1943. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

ป่า / The Forest. 2016. FULL-HD.

ป่า / The Forest. 2016. FULL-HD.
  TH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย ซึ่งหนึ่งในลูกศิษย์เป็นเด็กหญิงที่ไม่ยอมพูดกับใคร และมักถูกเพื่อนร่วมชั้นรังแก จนทำให้ครูมือใหม่ต้องยื่นมือเข้าช่วย
หนังเล่าถึงขั้วที่แตกต่างโดยใช้ครูหนุ่มและเด็กหญิงเป็นตัวเปรียบเทียบ แม้ว่าทั้งคู่ต้องเผชิญเรื่องราวร้ายๆ ที่มาพิสูจน์ความอดทนเช่นกัน แต่ครูหนุ่มก็พยายามปรับตัวเข้าหาโลกความเป็นจริงหลังจากที่ใช้ชีวิตในโลกอุดมคติมานาน ในขณะที่เด็กหญิงพยายามหลีกหนีจากความจริงอันโหดร้ายเข้าสู่โลกแห่งจินตนาการในป่า โดยมีเด็กหนุ่มลึกลับเป็นเพื่อน
ประเด็นน่าสนใจสะท้อนผ่านหนังเรื่องนี้ ทั้งการปะทะกันของความจริงกับจินตนาการ การต่อสู้เพื่ออุดมการณ์กับการใช้อำนาจอย่างไร้เหตุผล บทบาทหน้าที่ซึ่งสังคมกำหนดกับความต้องการที่แท้จริงของแต่ละคน ความอัปลักษณ์ของภูติผีกับจิตใจที่ดำทมิฬของมนุษย์ การอยู่รอดของคนชายขอบ ความรัก ความตาย ความเศร้า และการยึดติด แต่ทั้งหมดนี้อยู่รวมกันอย่างปนเปและบางครั้งไม่มีการสานต่อ จนทำให้บางประเด็นสื่อสารได้ไม่คมเท่าที่ควร
EN. The villagers may be afraid of the forest, but little Ja knows how to deal with it...
A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
Director: Paul Spurrier.
Cast: Tanapol Kamkunkam, Thidarat Kongkaew, Natpatson Lhakkum, Vithaya Pansringarm, Asanee Suwan, Pongsanart Vinsiri, Ramphai Wintawong, Wannasa Wintawong.
Thailand, 2016.
Language: Thai.
Subtitles: English, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016. FULL-HD.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016. FULL-HD.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. FULL-HD.

Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. FULL-HD.
 FL. Maunu Kurkvaaran käsikirjoittama ja ohjaama lastenelokuva perustuu Oiva Paloheimon samannimiseen satukirjaan. Nuori Tirlittan (Tarja Airaksinen) joutuu eroon perheestään salaman iskettyä hänen kotitaloonsa. Uutta kotia etsiessään hän tutustuu ystävälliseen poliisiin (Heikki Savolainen), luuvaloa sairastavaan rouvaan (Sylva Rossi) ja sirkustirehtööriin (Sakari Jurkka). Tirlittan päätyy vetonaulaksi sirkukseen, josta vanhemmat (Pehr-Olof Sirén ja Tuija Halonen) löytävät hänet.
EN. Tweet, Tweet (Finnish: Tirlittan) is a 1958 Finnish children's film directed and written by Maunu Kurkvaara and starring Tarja Airaksinen. It is based on the 1953 children's book Tirlittan by Oiva Paloheimo.
The film didn't prove to be a success. It was left in a weak position, as it was not perceived as a children's film, nor as an adult film. The technical quality of the film was also poor and the remarks of the film had to be recorded afterwards. In addition to all this, Paloheimo, who wrote the book, did not appreciate Kurkvaara's film adaptation either.
Young Tirlittan (Tarja Airaksinen) gets rid of her family after being struck by lightning in her home. While looking for a new home, she meets a friendly policeman (Heikki Savolainen), a woman with gout (Sylva Rossi), and a ringmaster (Sakari Jurkka), with whom Tirlittan ends up performing in a circus.
Director: Maunu Kurkvaara.
Cast: Tarja Airaksinen, Aarre Elo, Tuija Halonen, Maria Heikkonen, Sinikka Hannula, Mirjam Himberg, Leena Häkinen, Sakari Jurkka, Teuvo Juuti, Kaarina Koskinen, Tommi Rinne.
Finland, 1958.
Language: Finnish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958.
Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. FULL-HD.
Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. FULL-HD.

Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.

Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.
 Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne ist ein deutscher Kriminalfilm von Rainer Bär aus dem Jahr 1979. Der Fernsehfilm war ursprünglich als Teil der Reihe Polizeiruf 110 geplant, wurde jedoch schließlich als Einzelfilm gesendet.
Die zehnjährige Brigitte macht mit ihrem Vater Peter Urlaub an der Ostsee. Ihr kleiner Bruder ist bei der Oma und die Mutter muss arbeiten. Die Urlaubstage verlaufen harmonisch, da sich Tochter und Vater sehr gut verstehen. Er nennt sie scherzhaft „Prinzessin“, sie gehen oft schwimmen und Brigitte führt Tagebuch über den gemeinsamen Urlaub. Hin und wieder stellen beide fest, dass ihnen die anderen beiden Familienmitglieder fehlen, doch trübt es den Urlaub kaum. Eines Tages ist ihr Strandkorb von einer fremden Frau besetzt...
Director: Rainer Bär.
Cast: Werner Tietze, Horst Drinda, Annegret Siegmund, Michèle Marian, Steffie Spira, Ernst Boese, Dirk Johansen, Roy Meirich, Inge Hesse-Peters, Heinz Schulz, Margarete Schlecht.
DDR, 1979.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979.
Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.
Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.


Friday, February 23, 2024

Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.

Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.
 DE. Der 13jährige Dani (Etienne Cahrlé) fährt mit seinen Eltern in den Sommerurlaub. Dort macht er gleich die Bekanntschaft mit Lucie (Sandra Puhlmann) und deren Brüder. Da die drei auch noch über ein Baumhaus verfügen, scheint es für Dani ein spannender und schöner Urlaub zu werden. Doch in diese Idylle schlägt dann die Nachricht wie ein Blitz ein, dass sich seine Eltern (Bärbel Böhl/Joachim Lätsch) scheiden lassen wollen.
Das ist für den Jungen eine ganz schlimme Mitteilung, und er ist froh, dass er mit Lucie darüber reden kann, weshalb er auch länger im Ferienort bleibt als seine Eltern. Dani ist normalerweise das Leben in der Großstadt gewöhnt, doch jetzt ist er froh, dass er sich in diesem ruhigen Dorf mit der Schreckensnachricht auseinandersetzen kann. Lucie gibt sich große Mühe, für Ablenkungen zu sorgen, spricht ihm Mut zu und versucht, ihm Lösungen für sein Problem zu offerieren. Aber Dani kann sich zum Beispiel nicht entscheiden, bei welchem Elternteil er nach der Scheidung leben soll, was Lucie zu dem Vorschlag verleitet, dass Dani doch bei ihr auf dem Lande bleiben soll. Er ist für sie inzwischen ein guter Freund geworden, so dass sie über eine Trennung zum Ende der Ferien sehr traurig wäre.
EN. An East Berlin couple who wants to get a divorce at the beginning of the big holiday, does not manage to say this to the 13-year-old son, Dani. Together they drive into the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, only there does the boy learn the truth. He has to decide who he wants to live with in the future. Meanwhile, he meets the village girl Lucie, a naughty, challenging but smart little brat to talk and the old forester, who bring him to other thoughts. The two children do all sorts of things together. If they do not break into the forester's lodge at night to visit the old ranger's mummy, they go swimming or climbing on the trees. Dani is sad and very angry with his parents. Luzie tries her best to distract him, to build him or offer him solutions. Dani believes he will not choose either one of them to live with. When he suffers an accident, this welds the parents together again.
Director: Karola Hattop.
Cast: Etienne Charle, Christian Nathe, Joachim Latsch, Sandra Puhlmann, Barbel Rohl, Joachim Latsch, Christoph Engel, Eva Schafer, Michael Deponte, Lars Paul Nathe, Christian Näthe, Albrecht, Gabriele Schäfer, Uwe Geyer, Jürgen Mai.
DDR, DEFA, 1988.
Language: German, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989.
Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.
Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.


Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.

Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.
 DE. Das Küken Bettina (Jana Zoller) ist nicht nur kess, sondern hat auch Charme, mit dem es seinen Kopf durchzusetzen versteht. Mit seinem Bruder Sebastian versucht es, den eigenen Vater (Dieter Montag) zurückzuerobern. Das erfinderische Geschwisterpaar nutzt den Ferienaufenthalt beim Vater, um die "Männerwirtschaft" in Ordnung und die geschiedenen Eltern wieder zusammen zu bringen. Die vier romantischen Ferienwochen beginnen mit einem tüchtigen Schwindel und werden zu einer langen Nachhilfestunde für den Vater…
Bezaubernder Kinderfilm von Regisseurin Karola Hattop ("Ich liebe Victor / Jeder träumt von einem Pferd", "Mensch, Pia!").
EN. This made for TV children's film is a simple tale of two youngsters who want to reunite their estranged parents. Because of her work commitments, Mum has to leave the children with their absent father for an extended vacation and so he has to learn how to be a proper Dad to them. Meanwhile, the kids do their best to bring the family back together.
Director: Karola Hattop.
Cast: Sebastian Paasch, Jana Zoller, Falk Rockstroh, Katrin Saß, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Odette Bereska, Dieter Montag, Bärbel Röhl, Ilse Nürnberg, Axel Werner, Mathias Kunze.
DDR, DEFA, 1984.
Language: German, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984.
Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.
 Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Anthology of short films. Part 122.

Anthology of short films. Part 122.
 1. ¡Ve! 2018. FULL-HD.
A magical realism short that takes on the topic of seхual assault of migrant women through the grieving mind of a 9- year-old daughter.
Director: Zubaidah Khalilah.
USA, 2018.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
2. Rappelkiste. 1974.
Episode 93. Wenn ich in die Schule komm.
The "Rappelkiste" belongs to the classics of German children's television.
When I come to school...
Germany, ZDF, 1974.
Language: German.
3. Mont d'Or. 2013. FULL-HD.
9-year-old Nina spends a vacation with her older cousin Maren and her boyfriend Marco. As soon as the girl meets Marco, she falls madly in love. Unsure how to handle it, Nina mimics her cousin to capture his attention.
Director: Karen Vazquez Guadarrama.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: Dutch.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. Lesya. 2016. FULL-HD.
Amateur short film of a young Director and cameraman Dmitry Rogov born in 1999. This story is about a little girl Lesya, who is terribly afraid of the sea. She is trying to overcome her fear, but sometimes it is much stronger.
Bonus - a short documentary about the film.
Director: Dmitry Rogov.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Denkste!? 1974-1988.
Episode 68. Das Baby meines Bruders.
The series initially dealt with the children's problems in several contributions and filmed, for example, with a hidden camera in Berlin. Later, under the series title Denkste especially children's films shown.
My brother's baby.
Director: Hans-Henning Borgelt.
Germany, 1988.
Language: German.
6. ABC Afterschool Specials. 1972-1997.
Episode 7. What Are Friends For? 1980.
Two 12-year-old girls going through a divorce make a pact never to divorce their friendship.
Director: Stephen Gyllenhaal.
USA, 1980.
Language: English.
7. Loulou et Pépé. 2006.
Two little girls and a grandmother who makes films, the shadows of Peter Pan and the Little Mermaid. Behind or in front of the camera, the girls and their grandmother act out their dreams and fears, with a note of humour.
Director: Marianne Gosset.
France, 2006.
Language: French.
8. Yellow Girl and Me. 2019. HD.
Set in the Jamaican countryside, a young child named Nicole waits for her sister, Yellow Girl, to teach her how to swim. Circumstances escalate when Yellow Girl breaks her promise and Nicole realizes that she is next in line for a life of sexual abuse.
Director: Isabella Issa.
USA, 2019.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
9. Hals über Kopf. 1987-1991.
Episode 14. Cacaracca. 1988.
Children and parents in the fight, in the end the child is right.
Director: Rainer Boldt.
Germany, 1988.
Language: German.
10. Rozalka Olaboga. 1985.
Episode 1. Witaj Rozalko.
Bohaterką tytułową filmu jest Rozalka Olaboga - krnąbrna i samowolna dziewczynka , która swój przydomek zadzięcza temu, iż często wprowadza w życie pomysły "z piekła rodem". Pewnego dnia postanawia pojechać do mieszkającej i pracującej w odległym mieście mamy.
Wczesnym rankiem do małego miasteczka przyjeżdża kilkunastoletnia dziewczynka. Włóczy się po uśpionym jeszcze miasteczku, aż dociera nad rzekę, spotyka tu młodego wędkarza i zmęczona zasypia przykryta jego kurtką. Tymczasem do miejscowej nauczycielki przychodzi telegram, że przyjechała do niej córka Rozalka. Dziewczynka z przygodnym opiekunem wraca do miasteczka i tu spotyka mamę.
Director: Jadwiga Kędzierzawska.
Poland, 1985.
Language: Polish.

Anthology of short films. Part 122.
Anthology of short films. Part 122.

Anthology of short films. Part 122.
Anthology of short films. Part 122.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD.

Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD.
 IT. A Roma Valentina, una dodicenne soprannominata Pippi, figlia di Cinthya e Marcello arricchiti ma senza ideali, in seguito ad un attacco di epilessia viene ricoverata nel reparto di neuropsichiatria infantile. Un giovane psichiatra, Arturo - appena uscito da una crisi coniugale che sta sforzandosi di esorcizzare - sebbene convinto che il caso sia piuttosto di natura neurologica che psichiatrica, accoglie la ragazzina nel suo reparto, preso da spontaneo interesse per lei. Pippi rivela subito un carattere scontroso e provocatorio, e risulta in difficile rapporto con i genitori, per cui Arturo si propone di tentare con lei una terapia analitica, studiandone attentamente le reazioni al fine di riportarla alla normalità.
EN. The innovative Italian neuropsychiatrist Marco Lombardo Radice started at treatment movement which draws its name from the unlikely object of worship found in the Peanuts cartoon series, The Great Pumpkin, and it seems likely that this movie and its story represent some kind of homage to his memory. Arturo's wife walked out on him, and now he devotes all his time to his job. He is a professor of psychiatry at the university hospital in Rome, and specializes in children's problems. When Pippi is brought in for a consultation, it is alleged that she is an epileptic, but the good doctor thinks otherwise. He convinces her reluctant parents to leave her in his care, and through a series of brilliant manipulations, he manages to cure her. The world of mental illness and how it is handled in Italy are not seen through rose-colored glasses, here, and reviewers found tht what could have been a mere tear-jerker manages to be a convincing, gripping drama.
Director: Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Sergio Castellitto, Anna Galiena, Alessia Fugardi, Silvio Vannucci, Alessandra Panelli, Victor Cavallo, Maria Consagra, Lidia Broccolino, Raffaele Vannoli, Giacomo Ciarrapico.
Italy, France, Netherlands, 1993.
Language: Italian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD:
3 parts archive:

1024x576 DVD-Rip
Download Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. DVD-Rip.
Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD.
Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Elisa K. 2010. HD.

Elisa K. 2010. HD.
 ES. Elisa va a cumplir once años en verano y sueña con un vestido blanco con lazos azules, pero todavía faltan cuatro meses. Todo dejará de tener importancia para ella con el paso del tiempo. Un amigo de su padre le dijo que le daría una pulsera si dejaba de llorar, nadie se dio cuenta de eso. Elisa se sentía un poco extraña, pero nada más. Pasaron los años y un día recordará algo horrible. Ella llama a su madre y le pide ayuda con el suceso de su memoria. Desde ese momento, el pasado y el presente cambiarán en la vida de Elisa Kiseljak.
EN. Filmmakers Judith Colell and Jordi Cadena examine the devastating impact of child sexual abuse in the short term as well as the long term in this powerful drama. Eleven-year-old Elisa lives with her father in Spain following the breakup of her parents. Elisa goes to a fair with her father, and meets one of his friends, a successful jeweler. Days later, a change comes over Elisa - her mother notices she seems distant and withdrawn, and her teacher watches as she grows disinterested in her studies and her grades drop dramatically. Fourteen years later, Elisa is a grown woman who suddenly and unexpectedly recalls the traumatic event changed her life when she was a girl - the jeweler forced himself on her sexually, and then promised her a bracelet in exchange for her silence. The revelation forces Elisa to relive the pain of the event and come to terms with the damage done to her psyche.
Directors: Jordi Cadena, Judith Colell.
Cast: Aina Clotet, Clàudia Pons, Lydia Zimmermann, Hans Richter, Pep Sais, Jordi Gràcia, Pol Monen, Clara Bermúdez, Nicolás Puigdelmas, Paula Garcia Balagueró.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Catalan.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Bonus: Making of Elisa K (documentary).
Download Elisa K. 2010.

Elisa K. 2010. HD.
Elisa K. 2010. HD.

Jak se krotí krokodýli / Taming Crocodiles. 2006. HD.

Jak se krotí krokodýli / Taming Crocodiles. 2006. HD.
 CZ. Tatínek Luboš, který pracuje v Alpách jako záchranář, přijíždí domů do Prahy mnohem dřív, než původně slíbil. Jeho osmiletá dcera Amálka je nadšena, a tak odmítne jet na školu v přírodě, aby si užila tatínka. Luboš se vypraví do školy, aby Amálku omluvil, ale dopadne to tak, že nakonec jede do Vysokých Tater s celou třídou jako zdravotní doprovod. Své manželce Anně (řeší právě odchod do důchodu a ztrátu milované práce u baletu) slíbí, že je to jen na pár dní, ať tedy odjede na chalupu, kam za ní určitě přijede ... Řetězec náhod a nedorozumění tomu však zabrání - hodně tomu napomůže Amálka, ale také svérázný děda Pepík a syn Vašek se svou dobrodružnou povahou, do hry vstupuje i atraktivní učitelka Alice, originální rodina Koudelkových a jejich syn Vítek, dědova sousedka Bobulová, vesnická zrzavá kráska Julča, profesorka Kája se svým smyslem pro matematiku i pro východní meditaci...
EN. Lubos, who works in the Alps as a rescue worker, returns home to Prague much earlier than originally promised. His eight-year-old daughter Amálka is thrilled, so she refuses to go to school, Lubos has to go with her class to the Tatra mountains to please his daughter Amálka . Anna, is waiting for them at Grandad Pepík's cottage ...But a string of misunderstandings will prevent it.
Director: Marie Polednáková.
Cast: Miroslav Etzler, Ingrid Timková, Jiří Mádl, Žofie Tesařová, Tomáš Peč, Václav Postránecký, Eva Holubová, Bára Štěpánová, Jitka Schneiderová, Naďa Konvalinková, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Tereza Duchková, Sabina Laurinová, Daniel Nekonečný, Josef Vojtek, Tomáš Töpfer, Josef Alois Náhlovský, Vlastimil Harapes, Hana Sršňová, Zdeněk Srstka, Petra Špindlerová, Nikola Říhová, Marián Geišberg, Michal Gazdík, Josef Navrátil, Michaela Flenerová, Ľudmila Lukačíková, Zdeněk Bařinka.
Czech Republic, 2006.
Language: Czech.
1280x720 HD
Download Jak se krotí krokodýli / Taming Crocodiles. 2006.
Jak se krotí krokodýli / Taming Crocodiles. 2006. HD.
Jak se krotí krokodýli / Taming Crocodiles. 2006. HD.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.

Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.
SE. Trakterna kring Tullingesjön utanför Stockholm. Några barackliknande hyreshus vid sjön har i folkmun fått namnet Seppan efter den närbelägna fabriken Separator AB (senare Alfa-Laval), där de flesta av familjefäderna i husen arbetar. Nästan alla familjerna i Seppan är invandrare: finnar, ryssar, österrikare, polacker. I närheten ligger också lite mer ståtliga disponentvillor där de svenska fabrikscheferna bor.
Vintern 1961. Svenska Sara, som bor i en av disponentvillorna, och finska Pirjo, som bor i Seppan, är trots klasskillnaderna bästa kompisar. Deras föräldrar tycks vara varandras motsatser. Saras mamma är kylig och förbjudande, och Sara söker sig till fadern för kärlek. Pirjos pappa, en veteran från finska vinterkriget, är däremot lynnig och våldsam, i synnerhet när han blir full.
Pirjo uppvaktas blygt av klasskamraten Seppo, som vägrar läsa morgonbön och prata annat än finska i skolan...
EN. It is 1961, and Sweden has become a haven for refugees fleeing the Iron Curtain. In this story, a boardinghouse has become a kind of international way-station, with families from Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Finland, Russia, Poland and Hungary. It is also a place where passions run high, fueled by love affairs, political disagreements, and rivalries of all kinds. All the same, this dreary building and its environs are the only home the children of these foreigners know, and they cope with their chaotic circumstances better than their parents do. Despite this, there are tragedies among them, too.
Director: Agneta Fagerström-Olsson.
Cast: Nina Lager, Sofie Mällström, Jesper Lager, Janne Niemimaa, Mariana Vodovosoff, Karolina Palutko, Dani Modrusan, Fetije Alije, Krister Ax, Tomas Laustiola, Peter Stormare, Elisabeth von Gerber, Mervi Kakarainen.
Sweden, 1986.
Languages: Swedish, Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.
Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.

Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.
Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.

Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.
Seppan. 1986. FULL-HD.


Saturday, February 17, 2024

La fin du règne animal. 2003. HD.

La fin du règne animal. 2003. HD.
 FR. La Fin du règne animal est un film français réalisé par Joël Brisse, sorti en 2003, avec dans le rôle principal Bruno Lochet.
Noël est un être à part. Il a renoncé à cultiver ses vignes, il passe le plus clair de son temps à fréquenter les animaux, à converser avec eux. Le reste du village le prend pour un idiot, peut-être même un idiot dangereux, car il semble provoquer des événements, à moins qu'il ne les devine. Sa complice est une enfant, sa nièce, à laquelle il confie son désespoir de voir le mépris des hommes pour les éléments naturels...
EN. Noël is a different kind of man. He has maintained a state of innocence. His apparent non-conformism springs from his intuition, sensuality and, above all, his deep attachment to nature and its elements. People treat him like the village idiot and his one source of refuge and understanding is a little girl. Even Olivia, the local teacher with whom he falls in love, has trouble understanding and accepting his behaviour which she considers primitive.
In a state of despair about living in a world where there is no longer a place for the animal reign, Noël winds up committing an irreversible act...
Director: Joël Brisse.
Cast: Bruno Lochet, Ana Gantes, Hélène Fillières, Michel Verplancke, Catherine Della Rosa, Richard Esteban, Michel Cordes, Chantal Sapineau, Angéline Tischi, Sylvain Fabre.
France, 2003.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download La fin du règne animal. 2003.

La fin du règne animal. 2003. HD.
La fin du règne animal. 2003. HD.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Csak a szél / Just the Wind. 2012. FULL-HD.

Csak a szél / Just the Wind. 2012. FULL-HD.
 Just the Wind (Hungarian: Csak a szél) is a 2012 Hungarian drama film directed by Benedek Fliegauf. The film competed in competition at the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival, where it won the Jury Grand Prix. The film was selected as the Hungarian entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist.
It is based on an actual series of killings in Hungary. The plot however is fiction and focuses on a Romany family living close by.
News quickly spreads of the murder of a Romany family in a Hungarian village. The perpetrators have escaped and nobody claims to know who might have committed the crime. For another Romany family living close by, the murder only serves to confirm their latent, carefully repressed fears. Far away in Canada the head of the family decides that his wife, children and their grandfather must join him as soon as possible. Living in fear of the racist terror that surrounds them and feeling abandoned by the silent majority, the family tries to get through the day after the attack. By nightfall when darkness descends on the village the family pushes the beds closer together than usual. Yet their hope of escaping the madness proves illusory. Based on an actual series of killings in Hungary that claimed the lives of eight people in less than a year, Bence Fliegauf portrays the pogrom-like atmosphere which breeds such violence. The camera stays hot on the heels of the protagonists, making the breathless escalation of events physically palpable.
Director: Benedek Fliegauf.
Cast: Katalin Toldi, Gyöngyi Lendvai, Lajos Sárkány, György Toldi, Gyula Horváth, Attila Egyed, Gergely Kaszás, Zsolt Végh, Emese Vasvári, Máté Tóth, Franciska Töröcsik.
Hungary, Germany, France, 2012.
Language: Hungarian, English, Romany.
Subtitles: English, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Csak a szél / Just the Wind. 2012. FULL-HD.
Csak a szél / Just the Wind. 2012. FULL-HD.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. FULL-HD.

Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. FULL-HD.
 FR. Demi-tarif est un film français écrit et réalisé par Isild Le Besco et sorti en 2003.
Isild Le Besco avait 16 ans quand elle a écrit le scénario.
Demi-tarif relate la vie d'une fratrie de trois enfants vivant seuls dans un appartement. Leur mère s'est absentée pendant plusieurs mois et ils doivent se débrouiller seuls. Ils n'aiment pas aller à l'école. Ils n'aiment pas dormir quand la ville dort. Ils aiment se promener dans Paris la nuit. Ils aiment aller au cinéma. Ils jouent à être des princes ou des princesses. Ils aiment sortir et vivre nus la nuit pour attraper froid. Ils aiment chiper des pommes ou des bonbons. Ils s'inventent une vie loin du monde des adultes.
EN. Demi-Tarif follows the low-key adventures of three young siblings, Romeo (Kolia Litscher), Launa (Lila Salet), and the youngest, Leo (Cindy David), left on their own in a rundown Paris apartment. One of them narrates, wistfully explaining how their mother abandoned them and calls them once in a while to see how they are doing or tell them she loves them. The three kids do as they please, roaming the streets, running out of restaurants without paying for food, and shoplifting from the local grocery store. They eat whatever and whenever they want, gorging themselves on sweets. They beg for change on the Metro and show up late for school in tattered, dirty clothes. All the while, they try to keep the fact that they are alone a secret from the world of adults.
Director: Isild Le Besco.
Cast: Cindy David, Kolia Litscher, Lila Salet.
France, 2003.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. FULL-HD.
Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes. HD.

DE. Einzug ins Paradies ist eine sechsteilige Fernsehserie des Fernsehens der DDR aus dem Jahr 1983, die erst 1987 gesendet wurde. Sie entstand nach dem Roman von Hans Weber.
Fünf Familien ziehen in die obere Etage eines gerade fertig gestellten Neubaublocks in Berlin – Marzahn. Durch die unvollständig verschlossenen Trennwände der Balkone, auf ungewöhnliche Weise mit den Nachbarn verbunden, wird für jede der fünf Familien ihr Einzug nicht nur ein ganz persönlicher Neubeginn, sondern auch zur gemeinschaftlichen Erfahrung im Umgang miteinander. „Einzug ins Paradies“ erzählt (besetzt mit einem prominenten Schauspielerensemble) die Geschichten der fünf Familien über einen Zeitraum von sechs Tagen.
EN. Einzug ins Paradies is a six-part television series of the television of the GDR from 1983, which was only broadcast in 1987. It was based on the novel by Hans Weber.
New tenants are moving into a newly constructed prefabricated building in Berlin-Marzahn . The balconies of the apartments are not yet separated and the new neighbors are quickly getting closer. The stories of five families are told in the first six days after the move. A day is told in each episode.
Moving into Paradise was conceived as a representative series about the housing construction program in the GDR and planned on the occasion of the 34th anniversary (1983) of the founding of the GDR. The literary basis for the project was the book of the same name by Hans Weber. In his novel, the writer does not primarily deal with the GDR housing program, but rather depicts the development of people (here 5 families), under good, previously unexperienced living conditions.
Directors: Achim Hübner, Wolfgang Hübner.
Cast: Kurt Böwe, Alexander Heidenreich, Walfriede Schmitt, Friedhelm Eberle, Jutta Wachowiak, Christine Haase, Ursula Karusseit, Anne Kasprik, Rolf Ludwig, Michaela Hotz, Werner Tietze, Barbara Dittus, Erika Pelikowsky, Eberhard Esche, Thomas Nick, Gerhard Bienert.
DDR, DEFA, 1983-1987.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
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2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes. HD.
Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes. HD.

Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes. HD.
Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes. HD.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.

Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.
 Ronia, the Robber's Daughter (in the UK, Ronja Rövardotter in Sweden, Ronja Robbersdaughter in the USA) is a Swedish fantasy film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 14 December 1984, directed by Tage Danielsson, based on the 1981 novel of the same title by Astrid Lindgren, and adapted for the screen by Lindgren herself.
When the film was broadcast on television two years after its cinema premiere, the film was twenty minutes longer and uncensored (the cinema release allowed viewing from 7 years and older). This spurred a debate where critics asked if film was more harmful in cinemas than on television. The film was selected as the Swedish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 58th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
Borka and his band and Mattis's band of robbers are rivals. Birk, his parents and their band live in the wild in Mattisforrest. They move in to Metis-stronghold, which belonged to his ancestors, in an attempt to escape being caught by the king's men. The children have to learn to live in the woods.
Director: Tage Danielsson.
Writer: Astrid Lindgren.

Cast: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Håfström, Börje Ahlstedt, Lena Nyman, Per Oscarsson, Med Reventberg, Allan Edwall, Ulf Isenborg, Henry Ottenby, Björn Wallde, Tommy Körberg, Rune Andersson, Rolf Dahlgren, Bo Bergstrand.
Sweden, Norway, 1984.
Language: Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Bonus: Two short documentaries "Behind the scenes".
Download Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984.

Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.
Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.

Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.
Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. FULL-HD.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Vi er både rigtig og kloge. 1975. FULL-HD.

Vi er både rigtig og kloge. 1975. FULL-HD.
 Vi er både rigtige og kloge er en børnefilm fra 1975 instrueret af Svend Abrahamsen efter manuskript af Svend Abrahamsen, Jimmy Andreasen, Jørgen Kastrup.
Under et ferieophold i Sverige driver en gruppe danske børn til søs med en sejlbåd og lander på en lille ubeboet ø, hvor de må tilbringe et par dage, inden de bliver fundet. Ungdomsfilmen beskriver de sociologiske mekanismer, der træder i funktion, når en gruppe mennesker pludselig bliver overladt til sig selv.
Director: Svend Abrahamsen.
Cast: Michael Boffy Nielsen, Majbritt Froholdt, René Hermiz, Dorte Kildenfeldt, Benny Elbæk Petersen, Kathrine Schmeichel, Michael Thorbye, Jan Aagaard, Thorkild Thejsen, Gyrd Løfquist.
Denmark, 1975.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Vi er både rigtig og kloge. 1975. FULL-HD.
Vi er både rigtig og kloge. 1975. FULL-HD.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.

Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.
 Das verbotene Paradies ist einer der ersten deutschen Nudistenfilme, die nach 1945 hergestellt wurden. Unter der Regie des angesehenen Max Nosseck, der dieses Werk nur unter Pseudonym („Maximilian Meyer“) drehen wollte, wirkten trotz der damals umstrittenen Machart und mehrerer Nacktszenen im Drehjahr 1955 eine Reihe von angesehenen Schauspieler jener Jahre mit, darunter Günter Pfitzmann, Jan Hendriks.
Neugierige Kurgäste wollen während ihres Urlaubs einen Blick auf einen FKK-Strandabschnitt erheischen und missachten dabei zahlreiche Verbotsschilder. Die Nudisten sind über das Eindringen der Fremden wenig begeistert. So hecken sie einen Plan aus, um sich an den Kurgästen zu rächen. Schon bald kommt es zu einem kleinen Skandal, und sowohl die FKKler als auch die Kurgäste müssen erkennen, dass ihre Welten weniger weit auseinander liegen als gedacht.
Vierzehn Mal wurde die Freigabe des Films von der Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle (FSK) verweigert und erst nach Entfernung der "aufdringlichen Nudismuspropaganda" erteilt.
 Das verbotene Paradies kam am 17. Oktober 1958 in die Kinos und stieß, zumal bei der katholisch-konservativen Filmkritik, auf heftigste Gegenwehr – obwohl am Ende sämtliche Protagonisten der Geschichte, dank der FSK-Schnitte, einhellig „moralisch“ gehandelt haben.
Director: Max Nosseck.
Cast: Wolfgang Lukschy, Jan Hendriks, Ingeborg Schöner, Lutz Moik, Siegfried Breuer Jr., Günter Pfitzmann, Bruno Fritz, Eve Dietrich, Siegfried Schürenberg, Rolf Möbius.
West Germany, 1955.
Language: German.
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Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.
Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.


鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.

鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.
 JP. 東京から急行列車で3時間を要するある地方で、32歳の竹中宗吉は、ようやく、印刷屋の主になるところまで漕ぎつけた。狐のような顔をした妻・お梅との間に、子供はなかった。商売の順調な宗吉は、ある時、料理屋の女中・菊代に惹かれる。何とか菊代を養えそうな気がした宗吉は、彼女と関係を持った。好きな女を囲う身分になれたという充足は出世感に近かった。菊代との間には、3人の子供ができた。しかしその後、近代的な印刷会社の進出や火事により、宗吉の商売は零落する。宗吉から生活費の貰えなくなった菊代が、3人の子を連れて、宗吉の家に乗り込んだため、お梅にも事態が露見する。お梅の仕打ちと女房の前に竦んだ宗吉の腑抜けぶりに、菊代は怒り、出て行ってしまう。
EN. The Demon (鬼畜, Kichiku) is a 1978 Japanese psychological drama directed by Yoshitarō Nomura and written by Masato Ide, based on the novel by Seichō Matsumoto.
When Sokichi stops providing his long-time lover Kikuyo enough money to pay for the care of their three young children, Kikuyo leaves the children with Sokichi - and his very surprised and angry wife Oume - and disappears.
Director: 野村芳太郎 / Yoshitarô Nomura.
Cast: Shima Iwashita, Ken Ogata, Hiroki Iwase, Miyuki Yoshizawa, Jun Ishii, Eimei Esumi, Jun Hamamura, Yoshie Hinoki, Yukio Horikita, Takanobu Hozumi, Tokuo Ichimaru, Keizô Kanie.
Japan, 1978.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
1280x720 HD
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3 parts archive:
鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.
鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Miss Violence. 2013. FULL-HD.

Miss Violence. 2013. FULL-HD.
Miss Violence is a 2013 Greek psychological thriller film directed by Alexandros Avranas. It revolves around a family whose young granddaughter mysteriously committed suicide. The film was nominated upon its release for 8 Hellenic Film Academy Awards.
To celebrate Aggeliki's eleventh birthday, her family throws a party at their house. All the components of a successful gathering are present, including a mouthwatering cake covered in sugar glaze, upbeat music, and the warm embrace of a doting grandfather. But appearances can be deceiving. And as a sudden act of despair chills everyone's bones to the marrow, shocking secrets scream to come to light. More and more, the chronic violence chips away at the household's elaborate façade, and the horrendous family tragedy perpetuated behind closed doors traps wolves and lambs alike in an intricate web of lies. The dark depths of the human soul are unfathomable. Can warm, bright-red blood absolve the sinners of the atrocious crimes inflicted upon others?
According to the director, Alexandros Avranas, the film is based on a true story which is much more violent than what the film depicts.
Director: Alexandros Avranas.
Cast: Themis Panou, Reni Pittaki, Eleni Roussinou, Sissy Toumasi, Kalliopi Zontanou, Constantinos Athanasiades, Giorgos Gerontidakis-Sempetadelis, Maria Skoula, Chloe Bolota, Maria Kallimani, Anna Koutsaftiki, Stefanos Kosmidis, Giorgos Symeonidis, Anna Koutsaftiki.
Greece, 2013.
Language: Greek.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Miss Violence. 2013. FULL-HD.
Miss Violence. 2013. FULL-HD.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971. DVD.

Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971. DVD.
 IT. La narrazione, con continue analessi si intreccia con i primi anni di vita di Benedetto, ragazzino vivace e sfrontato che vive in un paesino agricolo della Ciociaria. Benedetto è orfano: di lui si occupa soltanto una zia nubile e libertina, che lo rimprovera continuamente delle sue monellerie, lo riempie di scrupoli religiosi e medita di sbarazzarsene affidandolo a un orfanotrofio. Di notte il ragazzo non riesce a dormire perché ha paura di certi rumori; la zia gli dice che sono rimorsi per le sue cattiverie, invece li causa lei stessa ricevendo uomini. Anche gli amici di Benedetto sono pervasi dagli scrupoli, temono di essere in peccato mortale per aver guardato, nascosti nei campi, sotto le gonne delle contadine intente alla raccolta. Per questo, mentre si appresta a ricevere la prima comunione, Benedetto vive l'avvenimento in un clima di religiosità esasperata. Nella preparazione al sacramento, il curato don Quirino distribuisce ai bambini le effigi degli "amici celesti", i santi che dovrebbero assisterli finché riceveranno Gesù. A Benedetto tocca sant'Eusebio, martirizzato sul rogo.
EN. Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.
Director: Nino Manfredi.
Cast: Nino Manfredi, Lionel Stander, Delia Boccardo, Paola Borboni, Mario Scaccia, Fausto Tozzi, Mariangela Melato, Tano Cimarosa, Gastone Pescucci, Rosita Torosh, Véronique Vendell.
Italy, 1971.
Language: Italian, Spanish.
Subtitles: Spanish.
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Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971. DVD.
Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971. DVD.