Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Sunday, May 30, 2021

Yellow. 1998.

Yellow. 1998.
This intriguing short film is a tale about power and desire. It explores the deep unease adults feel when confronted by pre-pubescent sexuality and the strange combination of naivety and power that children can possess.
Directors: Simon Beaufoy, Bille Eltringham.
Cast: Ray Winstone, Tracey Wilkinson, Nicola Bland.
United Kingdom, 1998.
Language: English.
Download Yellow. 1998.
Yellow. 1998.
Yellow. 1998.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.

Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.
IT. Le prime foglie d'autunno è un film del 1988 scritto e diretto da Raimondo Del Balzo.
Viene considerato come ultima produzione del genere denominato lacrima-movie.
Martina e Marco sono una coppia separatasi da poco; nonostante ciò, continuano a rimanere legati per i figli Alessio e Donatella, riuscendo infine a rinsaldare il loro rapporto. Durante una permanenza a casa del padre, i due bambini, ancora ignari della riappacificazione dei genitori, escogitano un espediente per farli tornare assieme definitivamente, preparando anche un barbecue all'aperto: per un incidente col fuoco, Alessio si procura delle ustioni di terzo grado tali da risultargli fatali. Mentre il bambino è morente, il padre gli rivela la rappacificazione con la madre, promettendogli che resterà sempre con lei.
EN. Marco and Martina break up. She is looking forward to starting a new life in America but before she departs, she lets Marco see their two children one more time. Seeing his love for them, the tension between them gradually eases but then something terrible happens to their offspring…
Director: Raimondo Del Balzo.
Cast: Sonia Petrovna, Luciano Bartoli, Isabella Rocchietta, Matteo Rocchietta, Giuseppe Pambieri, Daniele Dublino, Andrea Giaccio, Franco Dell'Acqua, Enrico Cesaretti, Luciana Cirenei.
Italy, 1988.
Language: Italian.
Download Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.
Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.
Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011. FULL-HD.

Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011. FULL-HD.
EE. Lucia elu ühes Eesti alevikus on lõbus ja vaba, kuid koolis on õpetajad mures, sest hinded on tal halvad. Tema isa, surnuaiavaht Kaido putitab autosid ja teeb muid juhutöid, ema Maria peab töö kaotamisest saadik teiste omasugustega pidu. Lucia kooliasjade jaoks pole kummalgi aega. Juba on asi lastekaitseinspektori laual, kui pere ootamatult kutsutakse Soome külla. Nädal aega elavad nad kirikuõpetaja Sirpa juures, ja Lucia ettekujutus kodust muutub põhjalikult. Tagasi Eestisse jõudes võtavad sündmused sellise pöörde, et tüdruk peab valima, millises kodus elada.
EN. A snapshot of one segment of Estonian present-day life, shown through the eyes of a child: LUCIA is leading a jolly and naughty Pippi-Longstocking-style life in a small town in Estonia. Her father KAIDO, a graveyard keeper, can hardly provide for the family, her mother MARIA is a drunk. Then the family receives an unexpected invitation to spend a week in Finland, in the house of the female pastor SIRPA. This week will change everybody's life in unexpected ways...
Director: Katrin Laur.
Cast: Maria Avdjushko, Epp Eespäev, Kertu-Killu Grenman, Katrin Jarv, Ülle Kaljuste, Eva Klemets, Anti Kobin, Kersti Kreismann, Arvo Kukumägi, Carolina Kuris, Esther Kõiv, Kristel Leesmend, Mait Lepik, Haide Männamäe.
Estonia, Finland, 2011.
Language: Estonian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011.
Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.

Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.

SE. Ett hjärta av guld är en svensk TV-film från 1982, regisserad och skriven av Lars D.O. Sjögren. I rollerna ses bland andra Liv Alsterlund, Viveka Seldahl och Krister Henriksson.
Den nioåriga flickan Tulle tillbringar sommaren på landet tillsammans med sina föräldrar. Föräldrarna grälar och en skilsmässa är nära förestående. Tulle längtar efter bästa vännen Susse, som är kvar i stan. Hon är avundsjuk på Susse eftersom Susses föräldrar redan är skilda och därför är som gamla goda vänner när de ses.
EN. Tulla, a nine year old girl, spends her summer in the countryside with her parents, who seem to be fighting all the time lately and a divorce inevitable. One time when on a shopping trip with her dad, they see a pretty, golden porceline heart and decide to buy it as a surprise present for mommy. But then when they return home, mom gets very angry at them for wasting their money that was intended for getting food for the family, and the golden heart ends up smashed on the floor.
Director: Lars Sjögren.
Cast: Liv Alsterlund, Viveka Seldahl, Krister Henriksson, Magdalena Ryd, Pirkko Nurmi, Anna-Mirja Melberg, Pernilla Allwin, Ewamaria Björkström-Roos.
Sweden, Sveriges Television (SVT), 1982.
Language: Swedish.
1280x720 HD
Download Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982.

Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.
Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.

Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
A rare and risky Danish coming of age 10 minute short film by Lasse Nielson (Producer of “Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978” and “La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975“) showing bisexual relationships.
Director: Lasse Nielsen.
Cast: ...
Denmark, 1980.
Language: Danish.
Download Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.


Friday, May 14, 2021

La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.

La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.
IT. La canta delle marane è un documentario del 1961, diretto Cecilia Mangini con testi originali di Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Documentario sulle periferie cittadine, ispirato dal romanzo Ragazzi di vita. Storie di ragazzi della periferia romana degli anni '60, che si ritrovano per trascorrere i momenti torridi dell'estate nella marrana e passano momenti di gioia e di vacanza, amicizie e botte, tuffi e giochi, con fuga all'arrivo delle guardie (non si può fare il bagno nella marrana).
EN. A sensual and vibrant vision without euphemisms about the children of the Roman suburbs and their summer hobby, swimming in the ponds, with commentary by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
On a hot summer day, a gang of boys from the Roman suburbs play and laugh in one of the many streams that surround the city. The camera scrutinizes them, approaches them, reveals gestures and looks, and wraps them in a kind of visual dance, while the words of the commentary – entrusted to the poetic sensibility of Pier Paolo Pasolini – tell their stories, desires, dreams, their future.
Director: Cecilia Mangini.
Writer: Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Italy, 1961.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English, French, Danish, Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La Canta delle Marane. 1961.
La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.
La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.

Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD
DE. Biologie! ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1990 nach dem Roman „Wasseramsel“ von Wolf Spillner aus dem Jahr 1984.
Eine Kleinstadt im Norden. Die fünfzehnjährige Oberschülerin Ulla und Winfried lieben sich. An einem Waldbach außerhalb der Stadt verbringen sie ihre erste gemeinsame Nacht. Kurz darauf wird der Bach zum Streitobjekt - nicht nur zwischen ihnen. Bei einer Klassenexkursion zu dem Gewässer, an dem Pflanzen und Tiere bisher ungestört existieren konnten, entdecken die Schüler, daß hier jemand Datschen baut und den Bach für eine Forellenzucht anstaut. Ulla lehnt sich gegen diesen Eingriff im Landschaftsschutzgebiet auf. Doch der da baut, ist Winfrieds Vater, Generaldirektor und einflußreich. Alle beugen sich der Macht, nur Ulla nicht. Am Ende steht sie vor einem Schultribunal und wird relegiert.
EN. In a small East German town shortly before the fall of the Wall, Ulla, a sensitive and principled 10th-grader, meets computer-obsessed Winfried, son of a chemical plant manager. On a field trip with her biology class, Ulla discovers that a trout farm and weekend homes are being built illegally in a local conservation area. The situation gets complicated when she discovers that Winfried’s family is responsible. She nevertheless passionately agitates to stop the construction project, even soliciting Winfried to help her create a touched-up photograph of a rare bird as "evidence" that the conservation area is home to an endangered species. When Ulla's deception is discovered, she faces serious consequences.
Director: Jörg Foth.
Cast: Stefanie Stappenbeck, Cornelius Schulz, Carl Heinz Choynski, Katrin Klein, Peter Prager, Heide Kipp, Peter Dommisch, Axel Werner, Horst Rehberg.
DDR, DEFA, 1990.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Biologie! 1990.
Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.
Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.


Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.

Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.
 «Aglaja - Life hangs on a hair's breadth»
This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
Director: Krisztina Deák.
Cast: Eszter Ónodi, Babett Jávor, Piroska Móga, Zsolt Bogdán, Janka Dobi, Tamás Keresztes, Ráhel Solténszky, Gergely Kovács, Iván Kamarás, Adél Jordán, Enikö Börcsök, Kati Lázár, Piroska Molnár, András Bálint.
Hungary, Romania, Poland, 2012.
Language: Hungarian, Romanian, English, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.
Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.
Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.