Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Sunday, March 31, 2019

Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. HD.

Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. HD.
DE. Das Eismeer ruft ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1984. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Alex Wedding.
Prag 1934. Fünf Kinder hören in ihrem selbstgebastelten Radio die Nachricht, daß der Eisbrecher "Tscheljuskin" im Packeis des Polarmeeres liegengeblieben ist. Spontan beschließen sie, die Schiffbrüchigen zu retten. Aber schon bald gerät ihre Expedition in eine Sackgasse. Ein sympathischer Film über den Idealismus der Kindheit, der durch seine ruhige Erzählweise allerdings konzentriertes Hinsehen voraussetzt.
EN. This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt. One child is in charge of making the potato pancakes, one is in charge of the compass, and others all have their particular tasks to handle. Their progress toward the Arctic Sea is necessarily slow, whether by foot or cart or train, and they have to hole up in a relative's country cottage to spend their first night away from home. Meanwhile, worried parents have been to the authorities and a hunt is on for the children that parallels the hunt for the seamen. The children hear that they have been reported missing in the news on the radio, and they decide to turn back -- not because they have done anything wrong, but because they have to go through a dark tunnel to continue their journey -- and they are all afraid of the dark. Except for a bit of serious footage on the ship and sailors lost at sea -- which detracts from the focus of this story, the film is entertaining for adults and children alike.
Director: Jörg Foth.
Cast: Oliver Karsitz, Alexander Rohde, Vivian Schmidt, Thomas Gutzeit, Oliver Peuser, Ilja Kriwoluzky, Heide Kipp, Ute Lubosch, Marie Gruber, Gabriela Wilhelmová, Carl Heinz Choynski, Zdenek Srstka, Thomas Plenert, Hannes Stelzer.
DDR, DEFA, 1984.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Das Eismeer ruft. 1984.
Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. HD.
Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. HD.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lus / Lice. 1983. HD.

Lus / Lice. 1983. HD.
 Lus er en dansk børnefilm fra 1983 instrueret af Anette Pilmark og efter manuskript af Anette Pilmark og Per Schultz.
Lisa er 6 1/2 år gammel og går i børnehave. En dag får hun lus. Filmen viser, hvordan kammeraterne og de voksne omgivelser reagerer.
Director: Anette Pilmark.
Cast: Julie Find, Jesper Bredgaard, Anna Emilie Graae, Ivan Harsløf, Jonas Preisler, Iben Wurbs, Gunvor Bjerre.
Denmark, 1983.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Lus / Lice. 1983.
Lus / Lice. 1983. HD.
Lus / Lice. 1983. HD.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976.

Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976.
 ES. Ana recuerda todo lo ocurrido desde de la muerte de su padre, veinte años antes. Su hija, de nueve años, cree tener poder sobre la vida y la muerte de quienes viven con ella. Hay otro poder que Ana cree poseer: el de invocar la presencia de su madre. Con ella, muerta hace años, revive una relación llena de ternura y, a veces, de dominio.
EN. Cría Cuervos (Raise ravens) is a 1976 Spanish drama film directed by Carlos Saura. The film is an allegorical drama about an eight-year-old girl dealing with loss. Highly acclaimed, it received the Special Jury Prize Award at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival.
In Madrid, the orphan sisters Irene, Ana and Maite are raised by their austere aunt Paulina together with their mute and crippled grandmother after the death of their mother and their military father Anselmo. Ana is a melancholic girl, fascinated by death, after seeing her mother having a painful death and her father dead in bed.
Director: Carlos Saura.
Cast: Geraldine Chaplin, Mónica Randall, Florinda Chico, Ana Torrent, Héctor Alterio, Germán Cobos, Mirta Miller, Josefina Díaz, Conchita Pérez, Mayte Sanchez, Juan Sánchez Almendros.
Spain, 1976.
Language: Spanish, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976.
Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976.
Cría cuervos / Raise Ravens. 1976.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. DVD.

Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. DVD.
 FR. Demi-tarif est un film français écrit et réalisé par Isild Le Besco et sorti en 2003.
Isild Le Besco avait 16 ans quand elle a écrit le scénario.
Demi-tarif relate la vie d'une fratrie de trois enfants vivant seuls dans un appartement. Leur mère s'est absentée pendant plusieurs mois et ils doivent se débrouiller seuls. Ils n'aiment pas aller à l'école. Ils n'aiment pas dormir quand la ville dort. Ils aiment se promener dans Paris la nuit. Ils aiment aller au cinéma. Ils jouent à être des princes ou des princesses. Ils aiment sortir et vivre nus la nuit pour attraper froid. Ils aiment chiper des pommes ou des bonbons. Ils s'inventent une vie loin du monde des adultes.
EN. Demi-Tarif follows the low-key adventures of three young siblings, Romeo (Kolia Litscher), Launa (Lila Salet), and the youngest, Leo (Cindy David), left on their own in a rundown Paris apartment. One of them narrates, wistfully explaining how their mother abandoned them and calls them once in a while to see how they are doing or tell them she loves them. The three kids do as they please, roaming the streets, running out of restaurants without paying for food, and shoplifting from the local grocery store. They eat whatever and whenever they want, gorging themselves on sweets. They beg for change on the Metro and show up late for school in tattered, dirty clothes. All the while, they try to keep the fact that they are alone a secret from the world of adults.
Director: Isild Le Besco.
Cast: Cindy David, Kolia Litscher, Lila Salet.
France, 2003.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, German, Spanish, Russian.
Download DVD Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003.
Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. DVD.
Demi-tarif / Half-Price. 2003. DVD.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 64.

Anthology of short films. Part 64.
A new issue of the anthology of short films number 64. Today the collection contains 10 fresh mini-films from around the world.
1. Letizia. 2013.
Letizia is a young woman whose childhood was snatched by a ruthless father who cares because of his illness. Andrew clings to the only silent witness of his drama, his teddy bear called cremita.
Director: Nico Chacón.
Cast: Ana Chacón, Carlos Adrián Chacón, Daniela Chacón, Gabriela Chacón, Leticia Chacón, Laura Maldonado.
Spain, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
2. Rita Koeling. 2002.
Film about the timid boy Anton, who for the first time in his life falls madly in love with one of his classmates.
Director: Hubert Pouille.
Cast: Manon von Liebenstein, Jim van der Panne, Unna Huijsman, Barry Atsma.
Netherlands, 2002.
Language: Dutch.
3. Last day. 2009.
Kishinev. 1990 year. The head of the family is going to go with his family for permanent residence in Israel.
Director: Yevgeny Herzenstein.
Moldavia, 2009.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: Hebrew, English.
4. Vizsgálat / Examination. 2016.
High school students are bullied at the school boy...
Director: Fekete Tamás.
Hungary, 2016.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
5. These Things Take Time. 2018.
An eight-year-old boy experiences his first heartbreak when he falls in love with his male third-grade teacher.
Director: Jerell Rosales.
Cast: Zackary Arthur, Timothy Cole, Jason Heymann, Samantha Krull, Makana Say, Jack McGraw, Meilee Condron, Ashley Ledbetter, Annmarie Nitti, Aiden Arthur, Alexa Brosamle, Chase Brosamle, Akinyele Caldwell, Zoey Gale, Kaylynn Gardner.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1920x804 HD
6. The Boy in the Ocean. 2016.
The 12-year-old German boy, Mathias, discovers his sexuality on a sailing boat i Denmark. Surrounded by water, trapped on the boat with his parents, who still treat him like a child, his desire is to get on land to have new experiences. His desire grows, when he gets fascinated by a Danish girl in the harbor.
Director: Friedrich Tiedtke.
Denmark, 2016.
1280х528 HD
7. Stejně Jako Já / Just Like Me. 2012.
A boy takes his younger brother shooting when his mother leaves them home alone.
Directors: Deana Disalvio, Michael Freise.
Czech Republic, 2012.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: English.
8. A Better Tomorrow. 2013.
In the near future when water is scarce, Shin and Myra, two orphans following in their scientist father's footsteps, develop a technology that could turn the tides of time and heal the earth. But when dark forces kidnap them in an attempt to steal their father's invention, the device is mistakenly activated and a mysterious power unleashed. While trying to escape their captors, they are magically transported on a voyage out of this world.
Director: Hikari.
Japan, 2013.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
1280х720 HD
9. Millimeterle. 2016.
X jumps first. Down in the water, he's not allowed to change position. The goal for Y and Z is to jump as close as possible to X. The one who jumps closest to X wins the game. Measuring their power and proving themselves is part of the boys' everyday life. Even for the 13-year old gentle-natured Yannik. Until his best friend's upcoming sexual curiosity suddenly puts him in a threatening situation. Where is the line between game and reality and what happens if that line is crossed?
Director: Pascal Reinmann.
Switzerland, 2016.
Language: Swiss German.
Subtitles: English.
1280х720 HD
10. Mécanomagie. 1996.
A landscape in which everything moves is afflicted with a figure which is in itself static, but which moves - a kind of mechanic man? In Mécanomagie both the borders of perception and (natural) laws are infringed so that something new may emerge: nature as a boundless state of ecstasy!
Director: Bady Minck.
Austria, Luxembourg, 1996.
Language: None.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 64.
Anthology of short films. Part 64.
Anthology of short films. Part 64.
Anthology of short films. Part 64.
Anthology of short films. Part 64.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Valahol Európában / Somewhere in Europe. 1948.

Valahol Európában / Somewhere in Europe. 1948.
HU. "Felnőtt. Ellenség. Könyörgöm, akasszuk fel" - visítja a filmben egy szeplős kis csibész, mikor a rongyos, árva gyerekek egy csapata megtalálja a neves karmestert rejtekhelyén, egy rombadőlt kastélyban. A zene és a személyiség varázsa és jósága azonban minden korlátot ledöntve bizonyítja, a halál és a gyermek csak a háborúban jelenthet egyet. Felejthetetlen alakítások, merész montázstechnika, költői flash backek emelték ezt a megrázóan humanista filmet a világ filmművészetének élvonalába.
EN. Somewhere in Europe (Hungarian: Valahol Európában) is a 1948 Hungarian drama film directed by Géza von Radványi. It depicts the aftermath of World War II and specifically the lives of a gang of orphaned children in a postwar setting. The gang of children steal, cheat, and pillage due largely to the harsh circumstances and the world around them. The film has been compared to Italian neorealism.
A band of runaways and orphans of the war scour the countryside in search of food and shelter. They invade and then taken in by a musician and former concert pianist who's hiding out in a ruined castle. After the initial altercation between them the gang accepts his guidance and he wins their respect by protecting them from the elements. However, disgruntled townsfolk want to chase away the gang who has been - in their search for survival - laying waste to their crops. A battle ensues ending in the death of a little boy - and resolution.
Director: Géza von Radványi.
Cast: Artúr Somlay, Miklós Gábor, Zsuzsa Bánki, György Bárdy, László Horváth, István Rozsos, László Kemény, Abraham Ronai, György Bodó, Károly Bicskey.
Hungary, 1948.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: Russians.
Valahol Európában / Somewhere in Europe. 1948.
Valahol Európában / Somewhere in Europe. 1948.

パコダテ人 / Pakodate-jin. 2002.

パコダテ人 / Pakodate-jin. 2002.
JP. 『パコダテ人』は、2002年4月27日公開の日本映画。2002年2月9日北海道先行上映。札幌テレビ放送(STV)が初めて製作した映画。
函館にある銭湯大正湯の娘・ひかるは、はまなす学園に通う高校一年生。ある朝、彼女のお尻にシッポが生えた。思わぬ事態に、秘かな想いを寄せるクラスメイトの隼人と気まずくなるは、函館スクープの記者・早川に追いかけ回されるはで、大混乱に陥るひかる。しかし、家族の愛に支えられカムアウト。一躍、パコダテ人と呼ばれ時の人となる。がそれも束の間、寄生虫を持っているとの噂を立てられバッシングの対象に。そんな彼女に、遂に政府の調査団が迫る。強制連行されれば、人体実験されるかもしれない!? だが、隼人の活躍によって、シッポの原因が長尾製薬会社の新製品ウルトラシップにあったことが判明。ひかるも家族の元から引き離されずに済むのであった。それから数日後、もう誰からもシッポのことを咎められなくなったひかるは、函館山でデートを楽しんでいた。愛の証として、湿布を貼ってシッポを生やした隼人と一緒に。
EN. A girl of roughly sixteen years grows a tail and, in the process, starts a fashion fad. Yet, how will the government and society react when they learn her tail is really attached?
Director: Tetsu Maeda.
Cast: Aoi Miyazaki, Yô Ôizumi, Masato Hagiwara, Miyuki Matsuda, Yu Tokui, Kazusa Matsuda, Hôka Kinoshita, Erika Mabuchi, Shou Ohkura, Nao Ohmori, Yôji Tanaka, Ken Yasuda.
Japan, 2002.
Language: Japanese.
Download パコダテ人 / Pakodate-jin. 2002.
パコダテ人 / Pakodate-jin. 2002.
パコダテ人 / Pakodate-jin. 2002.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984.

Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984.
 DK. Filmen 'Busters verden' er en børneserie og film fra 1984, og det er forfatteren Bjarne Reuter der har skrevet manus, baseret på hans børnebog af samme navn.
Drengen er søn af en arbejdsløs tryllekunster, og Buster forsøger at bevare sin optimisme, selvom han bliver mobbet af de store drenge på skolen.
Samtidig kæmper han med at beskytte sin handikappet lillesøster for omverdenen, og jobbet som bybud er heller ikke let.
EN. Busters verden (Buster's World) is a Danish children's television series and movie from 1984. Based on a play by Bjarne Reuter, Buster's verden deals with the experiences of young Buster Oregon Mortensen. The television series was a break-through for director Bille August, and the soundtrack also provided a hit for the young singer Nanna Lüders Jensen.
Buster is an aspiring magician battling his status as a geek. Making things more difficult is his small size. This movie chronicles Buster's unique way of dealing with bullies, school, his first job and girls.
Director: Bille August.
Cast: Mads Bugge Andersen, Katarina Stenbeck, Peter Schrøder, Katja Miehe-Renard, Signe Dahl Madsen, Jannie Faurschou, Berthe Qvistgaard, Bent Raahauge Jørgensen, Lillian Tillegreen.
Denmark, 1984.
Language: Danish.
Download Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984.
Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984.
Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Czerwone węże. 1983.

Czerwone węże. 1983.
 "Czerwone węże" są adaptacją znanej i wielokrotnie wznawianej powieści Heleny Boguszewskiej z 1933 roku. Akcja książki i filmu toczy się dwa lata wcześniej w łódzkim osiedlu włókniarzy. Przybywa tutaj dwunastoletnia Władka - córka jednego z górników, strajkujących właśnie na Śląsku. W ramach porozumienia między związkami zawodowymi dziećmi protestujących mają zaopiekować się robotnicy z Łodzi. Władka trafia do rodziny Stańczaków, gdzie spotyka się z życzliwym przyjęciem, zwłaszcza ze strony młodszej części domowników - Adama i Sabki. Dzieci szybko się zaprzyjaźniają, wspólnie chodzą do szkoły, razem przeżywają właściwe swemu wiekowi radości i dramaty. Władka pomaga nawet Stańczakowej dorabiać handlem na bazarze. Jednak pewnego dnia dochodzi do strajku w fabryce Stańczaka. Konflikt między robotnikami i pracodawcami przybiera groźne rozmiary...
Director: Wojciech Fiwek.
Cast: Agnieszka Wielgus, Magdalena Scholl, Adam Probosz, Alicja Jachiewicz, Stefan Szmidt, Zbigniew Bielski, Miroslawa Marcheluk, Zdzislaw Szymanski, Jolanta Koczwara, Ewa Frąckiewicz.
Poland, 1981.
Language: Polish.
Download Czerwone węże. 1983.
Czerwone węże. 1983.
Czerwone węże. 1983.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 63.

Anthology of short films. Part 63.
 A new issue of the anthology of short films is ready. Today the collection contains 8 mini-films from different countries and times.
1. Kinobilletten / The Cinema Ticket. 1995.
2. Øresund / Buster. 2012.

Buster is a seriously demanding and frantic child who forces his family and father to seek treatment, to find a cure for his speedy behavior. During treatment conducted by a naturopath the father is taken deeper behind his son's motivations uncovering what seems to be a crucial problem in modern society. One in four children in America are treated with tranquilizing medicine and in Europe leading doctors and child psychiatrists are calling out to bring attention to this increasing problem. How do we deal with frantic children?
Director: Martin Werner.
Cast: Lars Ranthe, Buster Bjørn Werner, Christine Albeck Børge, Uffe Rørbæk Madsen.
Denmark, 2012.
3. Web. 2017.
Three young triplets take matters in to their own hands when a baby rudely interrupts their lives.
Director: Dan Daniel.
UK, 2017.
4. Les enfants de l'histoire. 2016.
C'est la fin du cours de natation. Jules et Noam, 12 ans, ont trainé dans les douches et se retrouvent seuls dans les vestiaires de la piscine.
Director: Aurélien Kouby.
France, 2016.
5. Possum. 1997.
Cast: Martin Taylor, Stephen Papps, Eve-Marie Brandish, Alexia Verdonkschot.
Director: Brad McGann.
In a backwoods cabin, a boy called Little Man lives with his dad (a trapper), his older sister Missy, and his younger sister Kid, who is feral, spends most of her time under the table, and can imitate the sound of any animal. Their mother is dead. One day, while dad's in town selling skins, Missy teases Kid and gets bitten. There's Hell to pay when dad gets home, and Kid runs off into the night to spend it with her animal friends. Little Man, who narrates much of the story as well as his reflections in a whisper, must sort out loss and emptiness.
New Zealand, 1997.
Language: English.
6. Ce qui demeure / All That Remains. 2017.
7. Bloeistraat 11 / Bloomstreet 11. 2018.
Inseparable best friends spend their last summer holiday of childhood amusing themselves around the house. As summer progresses their bodies start to morph and shift and an awkwardness descends on their friendship. Puberty seems determined to interrupt their bond.
Director: Nienke Deutz.
Belgium, Netherlands, 2018.
8. Midtsommernattens skygge. 2011.
It's midsummer, the longest and brightest night of the year. Jon and Line run away from the summer party to hide at their secret place in the forest. The idyll is soon broken, however, when Line has to leave. This will be the last time Jon sees her. New student Truls comes to Jon's school. Will he be able to take Jon's mind off the tragedy?
Director: Stian Einar Forgaard.
Cast: Jon Vågnes Eriksen, Ingrid Philippa Bruun Larsen, Jesper Aarsland Fosdahl, Glenn Andre Kaada.
Norway, 2011.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 63.
Anthology of short films. Part 63.
Anthology of short films. Part 63.
Anthology of short films. Part 63.
Anthology of short films. Part 63.

Naš avto / Our Automobile. 1962.

Naš avto / Our Automobile. 1962.
 SL. Naš avto je slovenski film iz leta 1962 v režiji Františka Čapa. Scenarij je napisal Čap po predlogi pisatelja Vitomila Zupana. Film, burka na temo avtomobila kot statusnega simbola, je tekom let pridobil status klasike. Kritiki in gledalci ga v času nastanka niso dobro sprejeli. Ob premiernem prikazovanju ga je videlo nekaj več kot 13.000 gledalcev.
Piranski mladenič Pino Vrabec dobi časopisno nagrado za fotografijo. Pri lokalnem časopisu ga sprejmejo za fotoreporterja in Pino se odloči, da si bo z denarjem, ki ga bo dobil za nagrajeno fotografijo, kupil avto. Novica o nenadni sreči Vrabčevih se hitro razširi po Piranu. Poštar prinese nagrado, a namesto pričakovanega premoženja je v kuverti zgolj diploma. Posmeh sosedov Vrabčeve še bolj podžge k nakupu avta. Družina se odpelje v mesto in se pusti pretentati mešetarju, ki jim proda star in hrupen buick. Polomija vse družinske člane stane vedno več. Za plačilo popravil začno razprodajati stvari iz svojega stanovanja, Pino pa zaradi nenehne skrbi zanemarja svoje dekle. Naposled jih reši babica, ki se z avtom zaleti in ga uniči. Avto odpeljejo z oslom, Pino in njegova prijateljica pa sta spet srečna: odslej se vozita s kolesom.
EN. A photographer decides to buy a car with the money he'll get for his prizewinning photo, but the postman brings only a diploma instead of money. Being subjected to the ridicule of their neighbors, his family decides to buy an used Buick, in spite of being against it at first. That would turn out to be a huge mistake, since the breakdowns are more often that they can afford.
Director: František Čap.
Cast: Ruša Bojc, Metka Bučar, Janez Čuk, Milan Srdoc, Dusan Stefanovic, Sonja Krajsek, Olga Bedjanic, Dusan Puh, Janez Albreht, Slavko Belak, Stefka Drolc, Luce Florentini, Manja Golec, Julij Gustin, Tine Guzelj, Judita Hahn.
Yugoslavia, 1962.
Language: Slovenian.
Subtitles: English.
Naš avto / Our Automobile. 1962.
Naš avto / Our Automobile. 1962.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 62.

Anthology of short films. Part 62.
 A new issue of the anthology of short films is ready. Today I am very lazy and therefore only the names of films without additional information. So 10 shorts, mostly fresh in HD:
1. MisteRogers' Neighborhood. 1985.
2. Creatures. 2016.
3. Inschallah. 1989.
4. Charlotte Cardin - The Kids. 2018.
5. Kalle och Bollhavet. 2002.
6. Game. 2017.
7. Dr. Zack. 2010.
8. Timmy Slays the Talent Show. 2018.
9. Les jours sans fin / The endless days. 2017.
10. Pool Shark. 2016.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 62.
Anthology of short films. Part 62.
Anthology of short films. Part 62.
Anthology of short films. Part 62.
Anthology of short films. Part 62.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.

Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.
 FR. Pauline vit avec sa mère en banlieue parisienne, à Marnes-la-Vallée dans les immeubles construits par l'architecte Ricardo Boffil. Choix judicieux tant ces décors sont théâtraux.
Pauline ne connaît pas son papa. Non que sa mère soit célibataire, mais son mari n'a fait que passer dans sa vie. Jeanne est une chercheuse. Elle exerce son métier dans un secteur particulièrement délicat, celui de la défense. Huit ans avant que ne débute l'histoire, Jeanne s'est rendue dans un congrès en Tchécoslovaquie. Là, la jeune femme a fait la connaissance d'un jeune savant tchèque. Coup de foudre. Mariage. Mais un beau matin Jeanne se retrouve seule dans l'appartement praguois: Pavel a été emmené pour être incarcéré pour raisons politiques. Quant à Jeanne, enceinte, elle est réexpédiée, sans tambour ni trompette, dans son pays d'origine.....
EN. French TV Movie. Pauline is eight years old and likes to mix dream and reality. She never knew her father, a Czech scholar who once met her mother in Prague. The happiness of her parents was short-lived, because Pavel suddenly disappeared and she was taken to Paris by plane.
Director: Pierre Lary.
Cast: Fanny Cottençon, Alexandre Arbatt, Laura Martel, Eugeniusz Priwieziencew, Jean-Luc Orofino, Isidore Muledi.
France, 1991.
Language: French.
Download Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.
Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.
Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.

Aldri mer 13! / 13 Never Again! 1996.

Aldri mer 13! / 13 Never Again! 1996.
 Aldri mer 13! (13 Never Again!) is a Norwegian film from 1996, directed by Sirin Eide and starring Sofie Cappelen
13-year old Rikke sees Bea, the new girl in her class, as a challenge. After an endurance test to find which of them can lie longer in a circle of flames, they become friends. However, as a result of some unfortunate truths and half-truths, the friendship falters. Rikke feels that Bea has let her down, and resolves to continue the rivalry between them, but now in a less physical, more artful way. In addition we meet Rikke's elder sister Ninni, who has been in England to learn the language, and has had to leave her great love, a man twelve years her senior. The film is also about the problems Rikke encounters in fulfilling the expectations of those around her as she approaches womanhood.
Director: Sirin Eide.
Cast: Sofie Cappelen, Martine Karlsen, Anne Krigsvoll, Svein Roger Karlsen, Lene Bragli, Tonje Louise Kjølholt, Neil Clark, Simen Mosberg, Silje Andresen, Sara Marit Nilsen, Marie Kaada Hovden.
Norway, 1996.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Aldri mer 13! / 13 Never Again! 1996.
Aldri mer 13! / 13 Never Again! 1996.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.

Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
 SE. Miniserie om den allra första kärleken. Daniel ser fram emot ännu en spännande sommar tillsammans med kompisen Anders. Men i år är det annorlunda, Anna, som är döv, har flyttat in med föräldrar i stugan bredvid. För Daniel blir bekantskapen med Anna en ny och märklig upplevelse.
EN. Första Kärleken is a 1992 Swedish television miniseries created by Leif Magnusson. Starring Linus Åberg, Alexandra Royal and Christopher Luschan. It's loosely based on Hjärtans Fröjd, a novel by Per Nilsson, about a boy who fell in love with a girl.
Daniel Andersson looks forward to yet another exciting summer together with his friend Anders, but this year he'll be spending most of his time with someone else. Anna, who is deaf, has moved in with her parents in the cottage next door. One day, while Daniel is swimming in a nearby lake, Anna shows up unexpectedly, and the two hit it off immediately. Before long, their friendship develops into a romance. Little do they know, local bad boy Jesper has been spying on them swimming, and Anna has caught his eye. When Jesper tries to move in on Anna, trouble ensues.
1. Möten.
2. Spirande Förälskelse.
3. Rivalen.
4. Minne För Livet.
5. Misshandlingen.
6. Värre Än Väntat.
Director: Leif Magnusson.
Cast: Linus Aaberg, Alexandra Royal, Johan Lilja, Christopher Luschan, Hans Mosesson, Ewa Carlsson, Jimmy Sandin, Bergljót Arnadóttir, Anders Ahlbom Rosendahl, Barbro Kollberg.
Sweden, 1992.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana. 1965.

Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana. 1965.
 My Home Is Copacabana (Swedish: Mitt hem är Copacabana) is a 1965 Swedish drama film directed by Arne Sucksdorff. It was entered into the 1965 Cannes Film Festival and the 4th Moscow International Film Festival. Sucksdorff won the award for Best Director at the 2nd Guldbagge Awards.
Jorginho, his white friend Rico, Lici and Paulinho are homeless best friends living in a slum in a hill in Copacabana. They spend their hopeless life playing with kite; trying to survive getting food from the street market or the fishermen; learning how to pickpocket; working on the streets polishing shoes. Rico escaped from an institution in Caxambu that symbolizes hell on Earth for them. When he gets ill, he decides to return to the place because he does not want to die on the streets.
Director: Arne Sucksdorff.
Cast: Leila Santos de Sousa, Cosme dos Santos, Josafá Da Silva Santos, Toninho Carlos de Lima, Herminia Gonçalves, Dirce Migliaccio, Flávio Migliaccio, Andrey Salvador, Benedito de Assis.
Sweden, 1965.
Language: Swedish, Portuguese.
Download Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana. 1965.
Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana. 1965.
Mitt hem är Copacabana / My Home Is Copacabana. 1965.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.

Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.
DK. Ulvepigen Tinke er en dansk film fra 2002, skrevet og instrueret af Morten Køhlert efter Cecil Bødkers roman Hungerbarnet.
Historien foregår i år 1850. Den handler om en 9 år gammel pige, ved navn Tinke (Sarah Juel Werner). En beskidt og sulten lille pige. Begge hendes forældre (Karin Rørbech & Morten Nørby) er døde og kun ved et mirakel har hun overlevet i ødemarken. Hun møder en hyrdedreng, Larus (Peter Jeppe Hansen), der giver hende mælk og brød. Han får lidt efter lidt hendes tillid og forstår at hun vil sulte ihjel, hvis ikke han hjælper hende. Larus tager Tinke med tilbage til gården hvor han arbejder. Bonden (Erik Wedersøe) vil sende hende på fattiggården, men hans kone (Lisbeth Dahl) derimod vil beholde Tinke og opdrage hende som den datter, hun aldrig fik. Men Tinke er vild som et dyr og svær at lære gode manerer - for hun har andre planer, en plan hun har haft siden moderens død: På moderens dødsleje, modtager Tinke en værdifuld halskæde fra hende. Moderen fortæller at hun stammer fra en meget rig familie, men at hun flygtede med Tinkes far og sidenhen aldrig så sine forældre igen. Hun fortæller Tinke at hun ved hjælp af halskæden skal finde sine bedsteforældre. Da bonden finder ud af at Tinke kommer fra en rig familie, beslutter han sig for at finde bedsteforældrene, for at få dem til at betale for hende. edsteforældrene bliver fundet og de tager Tinke med hjem, men Tinke har svært ved at bevise at hun er deres barnebarn. Hun har ved et uheld mistet halskæden...
EN. Little Big Girl (Danish: Ulvepigen Tinke) is a 2002 Danish children's film based on the book Hungerbarnet by Cecil Bødker.
Denmark 1850. Tinke, a 9-year-old orphan from the wilderness, struggles to find her unknown, rich grandparents. She comes from nothing and finally gets everything, but - Tinke isn't Cinderella. Tinke is more than that.
Director: Morten Køhlert.
Cast: Sarah Juel Werner, Peter Jeppe Hansen, Lisbet Dahl, Erik Wedersøe, Birthe Neumann, Bent Mejding, Jonas Oscarsson, Kjeld Nørgaard, Arne Anton Faxhøj, Karin Rørbeck, Trine Pallesen, Lotte Andersen, Sarah Boberg.
Denmark, Sweden, 2002.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.
Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.
Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.

Eva och Adam / Eva & Adam. Season 1. 1999.

Eva och Adam / Eva & Adam. Season 1. 1999.
 SE. Eva och Adam är en svensk TV-serie från 1999–2000 skapad av Måns Gahrton och Johan Unenge, med Ellen Fjæstad och Carl-Robert Holmer-Kårell i huvudrollerna.
Serien Adam och Eva är uppdelad i två säsonger; de första åtta avsnitten av TV-serien blev mycket väl mottagna av TV-tittarna och det gjordes därför ytterligare åtta avsnitt. Även den efterföljande långfilmen Eva & Adam – fyra födelsedagar och ett fiasko (2001) blev framgångsrik.
Mellanstadieeleven Adam ska börja i en ny klass där han inte känner någon. Helst av allt vill han bara sjunka genom jorden och försvinna, men blir ganska snart kompis med den tjejtokiga Alexander. På en klassfest hemma hos Annika blir han till slut kompis med Eva som i sin tur är kompis med Annika. Adam börjar med tiden känna att han är kär i Eva – som sedermera visar sig ha samma känslor för Adam.
EN. It's about 2 teenagers that have been together for 4 years and start to get bored of eachother and break up but are still in love with eachother.
Episode List:
1. Handtag, famntag, klapp eller kyss?
On the first day at his new school, Adam meet Eva.
2. Du är den enda.
Adam likes Eva but at the school party she dances five times with Peter in the 7th grade.
3. Klassresan.
At the school trip, Eva wonders why Adam is so nice to her friend Annika.
4. Nu eller aldrig.
Adam wants to ask Eva to go steady with him but it never is the right moment to ask her out. But Peter in seventh grade also seem to have a thing for her.
5. Som glass med varma hallon.
Eva and Adam are finally going steady but they are both nervous about the first kiss.
6. Hamlet & Ofelia.
Eva spends much time with the school play and her new acting friend Sebastian. Adam becomes jealous.
7. Att vara... ...eller inte vara.... ...ihop...
When Eva spend all her time with the school play, Adam hang out with Mia instead.
8. Sista dansen.
Eva is a success in the school play but she regrets breaking up with Adam.
Director: Catti Edfeldt.
Cast: Ellen Fjæstad, Carl-Robert Holmer-Kårell, Ulrika Bergman, Pablo Martinez, Jim Ramel Kjellgren, Erik Johansson, Douglas Johansson, Pontus Gustafsson, Maria af Malmborg, Wallis Grahn, Katja Steinholtz Skog, Emelina Lindberg-Filippoupoullou.
Sweden , Denmark, 1999.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Swedish.
1280x720 HD
Download Eva och Adam / Eva & Adam. Season 1. 1999.
Eva och Adam / Eva & Adam. Season 1. 1999.
Eva och Adam / Eva & Adam. Season 1. 1999.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Flickan / The Girl. 2009.

Flickan / The Girl. 2009.
SE. Sommaren 1981 blir en tioårig flicka lämnad ensam med sin faster när resten av familjen reser till Afrika på ett biståndsprojekt. Fastern blir snart uppvaktad och ger sig iväg med löftet att vara tillbaka om "bara" några dagar. Flickan hemlighåller att hon nu är helt ensam och sommardagarna går. Med skärpta sinnen upptäcker hon gradvis vuxenvärldens ofta absurda och ansvarslösa beteende.
EN. The Girl (Swedish: Flickan) is a 2009 drama film from Sweden directed by Fredrik Edfeldt. It tells the story of a little girl (played by Blanca Engström) left alone at her home in 1981, while her parents and brother are on a trip to Sub-Saharan Africa to do charitable work.
It won the 2010 Guldbagge Award for Best Cinematography.
A young girl makes a world of her own while scrutinizing the one her elders have created in this drama. A nine-year-old girl (Blanca Engström) growing up in Sweden finds herself left largely on her own when her parent leave for a vacation in Africa, believing she's too young to make the journey. The girl is left in the care of her aunt (Tova Magnusson-Norling), but she doesn't care for the concerns and constraints of the adult world, and she spends most of the summer looking after herself. The girl explores the various nooks and crannies of her house that are foreign to her, and then heads outside to take a closer look at the neighborhood. Her neighbor Tina (Emma Wigfeldt), who is a few years older, is preoccupied with the rituals of adolescence, most of which bore the girl, but she does strike up a friendship with Ola (Vidar Fors), a boy her age who joins her as she walks through the woods, and helps her rummage through a barn and try to make sense of the larger community around them. Flickan (aka The Girl) was the first feature film from director Fredrik Edfeldt.
Director: Fredrik Edfeldt.
Cast: Blanca Engström, Shanti Roney, Annika Hallin, Calle Lindqvist, Tova Magnusson, Leif Andrée, Ia Langhammer, Krystof Hádek, Emma Wigfeldt, Michelle Vistam, Eleonora Gröning.
Sweden, 2009.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Flickan / The Girl. 2009.
Flickan / The Girl. 2009.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.

Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.
 Artist Stuart Anderson keeps moving all over the States, to inspire his painting pallet, with his wife and offspring. In 1954, they arrive in a rural town, where the kids Robert, Megan and Tamara soon feel really at home, although the previous owners moved out after their academically gifted son died from leukemia. Tamara (15) tastes of Chrustian faith and love with neighbor farm-boy Rusty Murphy. Then their ma is institutionalized with advanced tuberculosis, so people are scared to visit the 'cursed' house.
Director: Gail Harvey.
Cast: Katie Boland, Stuart Wilson, Alberta Watson, Geraint Wyn Davies, Maria Ricossa, Nadia Litz, Kevin Zegers, Megan Park, Jack Knight, Julian Richings, Yannick Bisson.
Canada, UK, 2004.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.
Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.
Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.