Forum Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ingen tid til kærtegn / Be Dear to Me. 1957. FULL-HD.

Ingen tid til kærtegn / Be Dear to Me. 1957. FULL-HD.

The eight year old girl, Lene, feels neglected by her loving, but busy parents. One day when she is once again let down, she run away from home. On her adventure she meets new people, buys a dog and see the ocean.
Director: Annelise Hovmand.
Cast: Eva Cohn, Lily Weiding, Hans Kurt, Jørgen Reenberg, Yvonne Petersen, Annelise Jacobsen, Bent Christensen, Mimi Heinrich, Bodil Ipsen, Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen.
Denmark, 1957.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Ingen tid til kærtegn / Be Dear to Me. 1957. 

Ingen tid til kærtegn / Be Dear to Me. 1957. FULL-HD.
Ingen tid til kærtegn / Be Dear to Me. 1957. FULL-HD.


Siesta. 1998. HD.

Siesta. 1998. HD.
A Polish man and a beggar child whose lives could not be further apart reach a brief but intimate understanding of each other during the siesta hour.
Director: Julia Solomonoff.
Cast: Nadia Ruarte, Marcos Woinsky, Matías Pérez, Marzenka Novak, Lidia Catalano, Gladys Romero Marcial.
Argentina, 1998.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Siesta. 1998.
Siesta. 1998. HD.
Siesta. 1998. HD.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.

Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.

DK. En serie i fire afsnit. I seriens første afsnit begynder børnenes sommerferie, og mens Lars' kammerater alle sammen skal på landet i ferien, må han blive hjemme, fordi hans mor og far skal på arbejde. En dag, da han cykler rundt i nabolaget, hører han et skrig fra en have, og da han undersøger sagen, opdager han, at det kommer fra et gammelt lysthus i haven. Da han kigger ind i det, lyder skriget igen, og Lars flygter.
I seriens andet afsnit hjælper Lars den svenske pige Sara med at gøre lysthuset rent. Sara har nogle hemmelige papirer, og hun fortæller, at gangsterne prøver at få fat i dem. Han må sværge en hellig ed på, at han aldrig vil fortælle, at han har truffet hende. De to besøger bl.a. en galopbane, hvor der sker mærkelige ting.
I tredje afsnit kan Lars' forældre ikke forstå, at han er så mystisk, og de synes det er mærkeligt, at han hele tiden taler svensk. En aften, hvor de skal til selskab, har han babysitter, og det er han meget gal over, specielt fordi det er Gunhild, en stor pige, som han ikke kan fordrage. Gunhild holder selskab, og til sidst bliver Lars så træt af støjen, at han tager sin sovepose og går ned til Saras lysthus.
Lars har været tre dage på landet med sin mor. Da han vender tilbage, har Sara skrevet et brev til ham og sat det fast på lysthusets dør. Hun påstår, at hun er blevet taget til fange af gangsterne. Men Lars finder hende i det store hus og hjælper hende med at flygte. Hele mysteriet opklares, alle trådene redes ud, og sommerferien slutter. Lars skal i skole igen, og her møder han nogen, han kender.
EN. Danish television four-part miniseries about the summer holidays, starring for the first time on the screen Lars von Trier.
Schools out. Summer vacation. But Lars remain in town for his parents must work. One day as he bikes around, he hears a scream from a garden. When he investigates, he discovers that the noise comes from an old gazebo in the garden. He looks inside. Another cry is heard. Lars flies.
Director: Thomas Winding.
Cast: Maria Edström, Lars von Trier, Elin Bing, Jens Okking, Charlotte Vøhtz, Dino Nielsen, Gertie Jung, Per Goldschmidt, Thomas Winding, Pernille Grumme, Louise White, Uwe Krøger-Ohlsen.
Denmark, 1969.
Languages: Danishm Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.
Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.

Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.
Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer / Clandestine Summer. 4 episodes. 1969. FULL-HD.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Anthology of short films. Part 128.

Anthology of short films. Part 128.

 The new issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred twenty eight is ready for viewing. There are 6 mini-films from different countries shot over the past years - from 1997 to 2024. We are sure that you will like this collection.
Enjoy watching.
즐겁게 시청하세요!
1. Un pessic de mel / A Pinch of Honey. 2023. FULL-HD.
A mother and daughters relationships gets troubled by debt and the impossibility to make them happy. Faced by their harsh reality, they will make the most of their lives by adding small moments of happiness, as if they were pinches of honey.
Director: Laura Castelo.
Spain, 2023.
Language: Catalan.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
2. Trenc d'alba / Crack of Dawn. 2023. FULL-HD.
The country house of a rural family is declared unfit for habitation. While part of the family fights to save the space their ancestors built, the younger ones imagine where they could go.
Director: Anna Llargués.
Cast: Gerard Ribera, Vinyet Rodríguez Martín, Irene Bogunyà.
Spain, 2023.
Language: Catalan.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. Smerteterskel / Warrior Heart. 2024. FULL-HD.
Vilja (12) loves wrestling even though she’s terrified of pain and loses every match. When her parents separate, Vilja’s feelings freeze. Then mum’s new boyfriend’s daughter Thea turns out to be the star of the wrestling club. Cn Vilja overcome her fear of physical as well as emotional pain?
Director: Marianne O. Ulrichsen.
Norway, 2024.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. A Little Taste. 2019. FULL-HD.
A little girl runs through the forest as if something or someone were stalking her. When she reaches a small clearing, she finds another girlp playing alone on a swing.
Director: Victor Català.
Cast: Zoé Arnao, Miko Jarry, Ayla López.
Spain, 2019.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Damer. 1997.
You may want to prepare for puberty when it may come any day, any time. At least that’s what the two boys in this film believe. To enroll in courses in synchronized swimming would give a reasonably good chance of hitting ladies…
Director: Torun Lian.
Cast: Teodor Gautier Teigen, Øyvind Kensland, Celine Engebrigtsen.
Norway, 1997.
Language: Norwegian.
6. O que me parta un rayo. 2023. FULL-HD.
Abril and Yula prepare a potion to make a classmate disappear. When she is missing the next day, they both swear never to talk about it, a promise that will put them to the test. Abril will have to cope with Yula's betrayal.
Director: Karen Joaquín.
Cast: Carla Dols, Paula Moreta, Ania Castro Rubio.
Spain, 2023.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Anthology of short films. Part 128.

Anthology of short films. Part 128.
Anthology of short films. Part 128.

Anthology of short films. Part 128.
Anthology of short films. Part 128.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Anthology of short films. Part 127.

Anthology of short films. Part 127.

Today we are pleased to present to your attention the newest collection of short films number one hundred twenty seven. There are 6 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1937 to 2024. We are sure that you will like this collection.
Enjoy watching.
즐겁게 시청하세요!
1. The Road to Health and Happiness. 1937.
The road to abundant life is not hard to follow and it is not expensive. So we are told in the opening frames of the 1937 silent film The Road to Health and Happiness, produced by Salem, Oregon dentist and filmmaker David Bennett Hill. Mental as well as physical habits are key. Mentally, one should be guided by the church; physically, by vigorous outdoor activity. Dr. Hill was a dentist, and a goodly portion of the film is devoted to dental care and orthodontia, once the basics of hygiene, exercise, nutrition, and spirituality have been addressed.
Director: David Bennett Hill.
USA, 1937.
Language: None.
2. Seeking Hwa Sun. 2024. FULL-HD.
A letter and a cassette tape are the starting points for an older woman’s soul-searching journey, where all her skeletons and traumas, that have been hiding in the closets of her soul, come out. A touching tale of mothers and daughters. About longing, the passing of time, neglect and silent rejection.
Director: Sandra Yi Sencindiver.
Cast: Michelle Wen Lee, Uma Sencindiver Forsby, Sandra Yi Sencindiver, Daniel Muniz.
Denmark, 2024.
Languages: English, Danish, Korean.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. Una pieza para Julia / Julia's piece. 2017. FULL-HD.
Julia is about to go on stage, but choreography is the least of her troubles.
Director: Amelia Eloisa.
Cast: Paloma Cumplido, Anah Monterrubio.
Mexico, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. Our Girl Shirley. 1942.
This film is not a documentary. It is a compilation of four 1933-1934 two-reel shorts from the Educational Pictures "Follies of Youth" the series name (distributed by Fox Film Corporation and in 1939 by Astor Pictures Corporation on re-release) stitched together , by Astor in 1942, to make a feature-length theatrical movie. Three different actresses played Mrs. George Rogers,(mother of the top-billed Frank Coghlan Jr. as "Sonny" Rogers and the 2nd- billed Shirley Temple as "Mary Lou Rogers." And two different actresses, Dorothy Ward and Mary Brickford, played the part of Phyllis Deal,, Sonny's sweetheart.
Director: Charles Lamont.
Cast: Shirley Temple, Frank Coghlan Jr., Mary Blackford, Virginia True Boardman, Helene Chadwick, Queenie the Dog.
USA, 1942.
Language: English.
5. 秦淮河 / Qin Hu Ihe / Summertime, Summertime. 2021. HD.
In the summer of the 2002 FIFA World Cup, Qin Huai, who will soon be 10 years old, accidentally learns that his good friend Xiaohe's father is seriously ill but can't afford the treatment. To help his good friend, Qinhuai and Xiaohe embark on a journey of growth together. However, things are developing in an unexpected way.
Director: Kaiwen Chen.
Cast: Xiyang Mo, Bai Qing Xin, Luoqi Zhang.
China, 2021.
Language: Mandarin.
1280x720 HD
6. Spiral. 2022. FULL-HD.
Spiral is about a ballet class that gets out of hand.
Directors: Eva-Maria Koskinen, Salla Sorri.
Cast: Alma Pöysti, Vivian Taht, Linda Zilliacus.
Finland, 2022.
Languages: Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 127. 

Anthology of short films. Part 127.
Anthology of short films. Part 127.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010. FULL-HD.

La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010. FULL-HD.
The Mosquito Net (Original title: La mosquitera) is a 2010 Spanish drama film about a dysfunctional family. It was written and directed by Agustí Vila.
 A bourgeois Catalan family are in a state of disarray. They are Miguel, his wife Alicia, their son Lluís, and Miguel's elderly parents. Lluís collects stray cats and dogs that now dominate the family apartment, much to his father's chagrin. Alicia is incapable of challenging the whims of her son and ponders separating from her husband. Miguel's mother, Maria suffers from Alzheimer's and her husband believes suicide may be the solution to their problems. Meanwhile, Alicia's friend, Raquel believes in a tough love method of parenting her daughter, albeit a method that leads to abuse.
Director: Agusti Vila.
Cast: Emma Suárez, Eduard Fernández, Martina García, Alex Brendemühl, Fermi Reixach, Alex Brendemühl, Sonia Casademont, Àlex Batllori, Tomàs Morató, Anna Ycobalzeta, Marcos Franz, Josep Julien.
Spain, 2010.
Languages: Catalan, Spanish.
Subtitles: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010.
Anthology of short films. Part 127.
Anthology of short films. Part 127.
La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010. FULL-HD.
La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

L'Aînée. 2024. FULL-HD.

L'Aînée. 2024. FULL-HD.

 Ana is twelve years old. Her body is in full bloom, and her first adolescent desires are as exhilarating as they are unsettling. But the discovery of a mysterious letter will sketch the outline of a family secret kept hidden which will increase Ana's anguish.
Director: Alma Jodorowsky.
Cast: Roman Angel, Betty Pierucci-Berthoud, Roman Kolinka, Jill Dogit-Bodros.
France, 2024.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download L'Aînée. 2024.
L'Aînée. 2024. FULL-HD.
L'Aînée. 2024. FULL-HD.

Runt Page. 1932.

Runt Page. 1932.
A little girl falls asleep as her parents and their friends discuss the film "The Front Page", and she dreams about reporters, a cop, and an escaped convict (all played by children).
This is supposedly the first film appearance of Shirley Temple. This is also the first of the "Baby Burlesk" series. Toddlers in diapers act out adult roles. In this one, the children's dialog is spoken by an adult doing comical voices and accents. (Later shorts had the children speaking their own lines.) The parody plot here makes sense to anyone who has seen The Front Page (1931) or any of its remakes, but is probably bewildering to anyone else. It does not really matter!
Director: Ray Nazarro.
Cast: The Baby Stars, Billy Bletcher, Georgie Smith, Shirley Temple.
USA, 1932.
Language: English.
Download Runt Page. 1932.
Runt Page. 1932.
Runt Page. 1932.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993. HD.

Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993. HD.
Fiorile is a 1993 Italian drama film about a family curse caused by greed. The film was directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, and stars Claudio Bigagli, Galatea Ranzi, and Michael Vartan. It was entered into the 1993 Cannes Film Festival.
The title Fiorile allegedly is derived from the month of Floréal (April–May) in the French Republican Calendar. The film is also known as Wild Flower.
While travelling to visit their grandfather in Tuscany, two children are told the story of a family curse that has lasted two hundred years. During Napoleon's Italian invasion, Elisabetta Benedetti fell in love with French soldier Jean but while he was distracted by her, Elisabetta's brother Corrado unintentionally stole the regiment's gold that Jean was guarding, causing Jean's death by firing squad and set the curse in train. The Benedettis become wealthy, corrupt and hated by their former friends, who rename them the Maledetti, the cursed (Benedetti means 'blessed'). The children's grandfather Massimo Benedetti is the last man to be directly affected by the curse but will he pass it onto them?
Directors: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani.
Cast: Claudio Bigagli, Galatea Ranzi, Michael Vartan, Lino Capolicchio, Constanze Engelbrecht, Athina Cenci, Giovanni Guidelli, Norma Martelli, Pier Paolo Capponi, Carlo Luca De Ruggieri, Renato Carpentieri, Chiara Caselli.
Italy, France, Germany, 1993.
Languages: Italian, French.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993.

Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993. HD.
Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993. HD.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Children In Cinema. Part-86.

Children In Cinema. Part-86.

 The newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Six. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1969-2023. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
Enjoy watching!
즐겁게 시청하세요!
19 clips.
Download Children In Cinema. Part-86.

Children In Cinema. Part-86.
Children In Cinema. Part-86.

And also: full collection of clips from featuring films and documentaries with the
participation of young actors "Children in Cinema" is available for download this place.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pessi ja Illusia / Pessi and Illusia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Pessi ja Illusia / Pessi and Illusia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Pessi and Illusia (Finnish: Pessi ja Illusia) is a 1984 Finnish fantasy film directed by Heikki Partanen. The tale about the friendship between a goblin boy Pessi and a fairy girl Illusia is based on the 1944 book by Yrjö Kokko.
The film was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 57th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
The fairy Illusia and the goblin Pessi meet. Pessi, who has only recently become independent, is a member of the Pessimists' family. They are proud of their practical and sensible attitude to life. Illusia's father, on the other hand, is Mr Illusioni, a famous visionary living on a rainbow.
Director: Heikki Partanen.
Cast: Eija Ahvo, Riitta-Anneli Forss, Raimo Grönberg, Minka-Maija Halko, Sami Kangas, Rauno Ketonen, Pentti Lahti, Katerina Lojdová, Annu Marttila, Pauli Pöllänen, Jarmo Savolainen.
Finland, 1984.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pessi ja Illusia / Pessi and Illusia. 1984.

Pessi ja Illusia / Pessi and Illusia. 1984. FULL-HD.
Pessi ja Illusia / Pessi and Illusia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Kanikuly Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible. 1984.

Kanikuly Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible. 1984.

 The second movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.
A musical comedy about the funny adventures of two friends - Petrov and Vasechkin. The guys, inexhaustible in inventions, fourth-grade students, have matured, but every day something happens to them again, even during the summer holidays.
The premiere took place on July 28 and 29, 1984 on the USSR Central Television.
Director: Vladimir Alenikov.
Cast: Egor Druzhinin, Dmitriy Barkov, Inga Ilm, Boris Yanovskiy, Gogi Zambakhidze, Mikhail Salov, Aleksey Isaev, Anastasiya Ulanova, Natasha Kazakevich, Yelena Delibash, Aleksandra Kamona, Aleksandr Varakin, Filipp Alenikov, Inna Alenikova, Sofiko Chiaureli, Irakli Uchaneishvili.
USSR, Odesskaya kinostudiya, 1989.
Language: Russian.
Download Kanikuly Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible. 1984.

Kanikuly Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible. 1984.
Kanikuly Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible. 1984.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Petrov's and Vasechkin's Adventures, Both Usual and Unbelieveable. 1983.

Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Petrov's and Vasechkin's Adventures, Both Usual and Unbelieveable. 1983.

The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.
This is a two-part children's musical comedy released in 1983. The plot tells about two friends, pioneer schoolchildren, Petya Vasechkin and Vasya Petrov, about their attempts to assert themselves and about their girlfriend, with whom they are in love, Masha Startseva. The premiere took place on June 1, 1984 on the USSR Central Television.
The film has no general plot and is divided into 5 stories.
Director: Vladimir Alenikov.
Cast: Egor Druzhinin, Dmitriy Barkov, Inga Ilm, Aleksey Gusev, Maksim Polyansky, Svetlana Protasenkova, Andrey Kanevsky, Konstantin Gavrilov, Inna Alenikova, Lyudmila Ivanova, Tatyana Bozhok, Viktor Pavlovsky, Yuriy Medvedev, Vladislav Druzhinin, Timur Morozov.
USSR, Odesskaya kinostudiya, 1989.
Language: Russian.
Download Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Petrov's and Vasechkin's Adventures, Both Usual and Unbelieveable. 1983. 

Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Petrov's and Vasechkin's Adventures, Both Usual and Unbelieveable. 1983.
Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye / Petrov's and Vasechkin's Adventures, Both Usual and Unbelieveable. 1983.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1989. FULL-HD.

Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1989. FULL-HD.
 RO. Campioana este un film românesc din 1990 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Izabela Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, George Mihăiță.
La 10 ani, Corina visează să fie admisă la celebra școală de gimnastică de la Deva. Mai întâi respinsă, Corina reușește, prin antrenament și sacrificii, să treacă testul de admitere, la fel ca prietena sa cea mai bună, Maria. Dar adevărata luptă de-abia acum începe: să ajungă cele mai bune din lume. Corinei nu-i lipsesc curajul și voința și vrea să-i demonstreze celei mai bune antrenoare din țară, Lili Oprescu, că are stofă de campioană. De la bârna din sala de antrenament
FR. À 10 ans, Corina rêve d'être admise à la célèbre école de gymnastique de Deva, une petite ville de Roumanie réputée pour avoir formé un nombre impressionnant de championnes olympiques. Tout d'abord refusée, Corina réussit, à force d'entraînement et de sacrifices, à passer le test d'entrée tout comme sa meilleure amie Maria. Dès lors, débute pour elles la véritable épreuve: devenir les meilleures au monde.
EN. At the age of 10, Corina dreams of being admitted to the famous gymnastics school of Deva, a small town in Romania renowned for having trained an impressive number of Olympic champions. First refused, Corina succeeds, by force of training and sacrifices, to pass the test for entry.
Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
Cast: Mircea Diaconu, Carmen Galin, Diana Lupescu, George Mihăiţă, Maria Ploae, Dinu Manolache, Luminiţa Gheorghiu, Petrică Nicolae, Ileana Popovici, Costel Constantin, Ileana-Stana Ionescu, Dorina Done, Aurel Giurumia.
Romania, Canada, 1989.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1989.
Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1989. FULL-HD.
Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1989. FULL-HD.